And you couldn't be ol Davey Weber in drag now could you- Sir Lowell Glen-thorn-in-the-side. Robert ain't much of a Mick name now is it- lessee- Lowell, sure- Lowell Mass-right near Salem where they barbequed the witches and those that they thought might be witches- Must be great to be King of the Trailer Park out there with your rusty tractors and all-how often do you have to refill the K-Mart generator's gas tank to power your AirStream, so's your computer will get "on line" Maybe Obama will get the REA into your boonies Lowell some day, just as ol' FDR did back in the "dirty thirties"- Lighten up Dude (you are a Kalifornia transplant, right?) Enjoy your surf, wines in a box, earthquakes, forest fires and "Dah Arhnold"- almost as anti-gun as Obama and the about to be licsence plate engraver Bladgovich- Tempus Fugit- so fugit you too. RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..