Thanks Jaycee,
I had a very quick look at the first link, saw what it was and didn’t bother as it is expectedly partisan, underscoring, for example, supposed links with Ayres and Khalidi: I’ll look at the other tonight when I’ve more time.

I am not going to take sides on the lies told by either side – thankfully none are as bad as those under Rove – but the first one of this campaign I remember is the McCain black children story that broke here seemingly “years” ago.

Take the much-vaunted Ayres crapola continuously posted here. The McCain camp states that Obama "lied" about his association with Bill Ayers. McCain says the two are "friends" who have "worked together for years." Palin has said repeatedly on the hustings that Ayers and Obama "pal around" together. All of this is untrue.
The evidence indicates that Obama has told the truth, that the two know each other but are not close. They met in 1995, when Obama was asked to head the board of a school reform group that Ayers had helped start. Its board included a number of well-regarded Chicago establishment types, including senior Republicans. Ayers is a professor of education and was named a Chicago Citizen of the Year in 1997 for his work on school reform. Obama never excuse Ayers' actions, calling his Weatherman activity "despicable." Incidentally, Obama was EIGHT when the Weatherman crowd were around, so it is farfetched to link him to that. Unless, of course, the intended audience consists of rabid uneducated rednecks that need further swaying.

Here in Ireland I have sat down with people who once were described as terrorists and who now are regarded as respectable politicians – does that make me a terrorist or a supporter of terrorism?
