Might we agree that this is prima facie evidence of...uh..."brutal" recoil?

We are unlikely to ever quantify "perceived recoil" because of the innumerable variables contributing to personal perception ie. how did the subject sleep last night? did he have alcohol? how much? coffee this am? breakfast this am? did he take an ibuprofen for his cervical spondylosis? how's his torn rotator cuff doing? fight with his wife? did he observe the recoil experienced by the previous subject? what did they tell him the recoil was like? what is his previous experience with firearms?

Retrospective and anecdotal studies are always suspect, but with a high enough sample size, they can reach statistical significance. And if Leo Harrison III told me x trap gun had less recoil than y trap gun, to him, I'd believe him.

Last edited by revdocdrew; 09/05/08 12:01 PM.