
I'm going to buck the tide and make a case for good, old traditional hide glue. There are several reasons for this....the primary one being that you or someone else may want to remove that fabric in later years to reline or reconfigure the interior.

Hide glue, being water soluble, simply needs a light spraying and some time to sit.... and the fabric will lift out without undue scraping.... as you WILL most definitely be doing with stuff like 3M's spray-ons. I speak from experience, having done a good number of cases, and you will have the devil's time of it trying to remove fabrics applied with such products. I've used the 3M Superbond 77 product to attach a case label or two, and even abandoned that, as when removing it you will destroy the lid fabric trying to get it out.

Hide glue works there as well, especially on paper trade labels, as they can be steamed and peeled out as the hide glue softens. Done in this manner, the paper labels can be dried in a press of some sort to maintain flatness and re-used again.

Another positive of hide glue is the long 'open time' it has for working and adjusting the fabric, which you will NOT get with most spray-on contact cements. You can still find hide glues rather readily either in powder or liquid form. I've occasionally used the liquid product by Titebond with good success......heating mildly with hot water in a double boiler type arrangement as this makes it a bit more fluid for applying with a small (2")bristle brush. The powdered glue is similar in that once mixed with water you are working out of a heated glue pot. Some of the guys in the business being concerned with production time use a similar fish glue that cures a bit quicker - especially under a small modeling iron. A 4" spackle knife and/or 3" roller as used for formica or tile work also aids in embedding the glue into the fabric fibers after you've positioned your cloth.

To conclude, I'll just say that I won't even consider doing a reline job if I suspect that a super adhesive has been used since I will literally have to sand it and the fabric out of the case interior for a considerable expense of time and frustration. Hope this is of some help.