So- "tongue in cheek" hey Billy Boyo- almost like "foot in mouth". I haven't put your Eight-Bore posts in my ignore sector on this site, as like all hot-headed Irish lads, I enjoy a good brawl-sorta keeps the dust from a settlin- and as this is an open forum (no paid membership) that old free speech First Amendment just keeps a rollin' on, don't it? Of course, free speech doesn't give us the "right" to yell out "Fire" in a crowded theatre-but I will apologize (somewhat) to any of the members of this site who profess the Jewish Faith if the JAP interpretation of old Bro' Murphy's comments and use of that anagram was offensive-not meant that way- any more than the cult "Dumb Blonde Jokes" or the infamous "Polack" jokes-or the Catholic jokes I like to share-and as I am a Green Irish Catholic lad (with a Chechoslovakian past) I'll strike one for that team with this "Didja hear about the IRA terrorist in Belfast, tried to blow up a Brit's car- got his lips severly burned on the tailpipe however"!! To me. a sense of humor is best when you can tell jokes on your own group-and share the laughter- Now Billy Boyo- glad to know I be your favorite Troll- my granddaughter loves that story of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff-and you are only half right about my being "shunned" by the elitist Professional Golfers Caddy Assn. (guess I wouldn't show fotos and serial numbers of my inherited Walter Hagen Haig Ultra clubs) but I am still allowed to answer PM's- Thanks to the only Gent I presently know of on that site- the Stutz Bearcat collector in Lowell-Andover area- one of the few extant that tries to see the good in others and overlook their flaws (we all have them- even Market Hunter, who resembles Hal- Nash's old hunting pal)I am trying to find a way to learn from your great knowledge of firearms there Bill-and you certainly have knowledge and experience-if I can overlook your flaws, why can't you extend the same to me-what the hay- we both don't like Homeless Joseph much- that's a start!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..