Could I add my 5Cents please?
I think you should never handle anyone's gun without their permission.The owner should hand it to you butt first and open or breech bolt back if a semi.Thereby you can see for yourself it is empty of shells.
'English' 'style' was always muzzles pointed to the ground and lift the butt up to close.This has been modified nowadays in some circles to the following;- Hold the stock by the wrist with the stock against your hip, muzzles pointing to the ground at an angle across your body/legs then using the leverage afforded by the barrel length lift the barrels up toward the action.This has been promoted to assist ladies and children to enable them to close a loaded gun safely in controlled conditions.Hope this helps.
I personally hold the top lever across whilst closing my gun initially, allowing the bolt to bite home freely that last micro -second.
Muzzle awareness is my greatest concern, I do not like to see barrels arcing around me or my friends in an uncontrolled, cavalier manner.