Jack, that's funny!

Originally Posted By: jack maloney
Anyone who thinks light guns are BS has been hunting too close to his car.

My winter bear hunt had me out for about 14 days, typically fifteen to twenty miles a day on foot chasing the hounds, typically on 60-70% grades in loose rocky tight timber, 'packing for bear' including basic med kit, water, survival gear, and a nine and a half pound heavy centerfire rifle.
I had considered taking a 256 mannlicher sporter -- but on that hunt I knew I wanted the heavy rifle.

Hunting too close to the car

I'll say - when I can I reach for light gear and a light rifle, but when there are fifteen to twenty mile days on the foot, the pound off the ass definitely does not equal a pound off the rifle. I think I lost about twelve pounds during the course of my bear hunt, the rifle seemed to gain weight!
