
The issue that I see with the cb character is his language.

In his last note to this thread assumes
-a sub 6# gun will be off-balance, light in the barrels
-those who choose to run sub 6# guns can't control their swing
-that DGS is overpopulated with such men
-that 10# on the ass = 1-1/2# in the hands
...and I'll leave the rest of that last note alone.

Sub six pound guns don't need to be poorly balanced.
I doubt anyone noting the attributes of such light guns in this thread wishes to have or to use poorly balanced guns.

This could be seen somehow as support to some facet of CB's position - that I really don't think that there are many guys who actually do want a sub six pound field gun. Such guns aren't that common, and the well balanced ones of decent quality aren't cheap. The decent and better quality, properly balanced sub six pound field guns are really, really wonderful to handle.
And of course they take special handling skills.

Really, back to the criticism CB is seeing in this thread, I'm seeing, and delivering, criticism to his character.

Either he's very bright, and is purposefully choosing his language with pugnacious intent -- and for this he should be scorned...

Or he's simple and just doesn't get it, that grown men of good character and solid education, experienced shooters and hunters, guys who know their way around the sport and lifestyle can actually, in a qualified and acceptable fashion, appreciate, handle, and successfully hunt with sub six pound guns.
If this is the case, we should pity him.

One way or the other -- or any way at all, I think the few sub six pound guns I own and shoot are really freakin cool, and that they have a place in this world -- in my hands or my vault!
I also like my ten plus pound guns, and the ones in between.
I can't wait until I get my 8bore SxS project under way and finally shoot it. I'll get an even bigger kick out of hunting with it (it'll be a rifle...) although it's not likely that I'll hunt with it much, as most of the guns and rifles that I use most of the time are of medium weight and configuration.

It's ok to like the light guns
It's ok to not like the guns
Some folks can handle them, some can't
I take issue over the generalizations and snippy attitude.
It's not flattering.
