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Posted By: KD58 johann haberda double rifle - 05/30/11 08:57 PM
johann haberda was buchsenmacher (gunmaker) for the duke of Schwarzenberg.....this boar ? rifle is about a 47 trying to find out where numbers might be located to verify or try to find who it was built for...I first thought it was for the fieldmarshall Schwarzenberg but have since discovered some of if not all guns have engravings on top of barrell ( furst schwarzenberg ????? HELP thanks KD
Posted By: ellenbr Re: johann haberda double rifle - 05/30/11 10:27 PM
Pics would aid. Technically, at least by this time, there weren't any such gunsmiths who were on the Prince's payroll. It's an advertising ploy that just says that someone in the court has been supplied a weapon by said gunsmith. It could been for the fella that supervised the hounds/master of the hunt up to someone close to the Prince himself. Typically it was a title that warranted a yearly fee and I think the maker had to be asked to apply? I think it was transferable to heirs and assigns of the gunmaking firm. Probably someone in the court:,_Prince_of_Schwarzenberg

The stamp atop the tubes should read something like:

Johann Haberda Frauenberg Fürsten zu / Fürst von Schwarzenbergsche HofBüchsenmacher(Top Gunmaker)

It was all about the Benjamins with advertising at the forefront.

Kind Regards,

Posted By: KD58 Re: johann haberda double rifle - 05/31/11 11:00 PM
thank you Raimey for that quick reply...more pieces for the puzzle...still wondering about a date?? if I can figure out how to post pics and schedule permitting they will appear in a couple days. Thanks again KD
Posted By: Bob Jurewicz Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/01/11 12:03 PM
Here is the top marking on mine.
Bob Jurewicz

Posted By: kuduae Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/01/11 05:17 PM
We know now the Gun was sold, not necessarily made, by Johann Haberda in Frauenberg, Bohemia, gunmaker by appointment to Prince Schwarzenberg, so it is probably pre-WW1. For a closer dating we need photos of the proof- and other markings under the barrels.
Posted By: KD58 Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/03/11 04:10 AM
Bob can you tell me a little more about your gun. Yours is the only other Haberda I know of so far...and is a little different than mine. Right now it is very hard for me to get to my computer let alone get pics so my couple days may very well run into weeks...maybe a phone number? Thank You KD
Posted By: Bob Jurewicz Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/05/11 03:06 PM
What do you wish to know??
Bob Jurewicz

Posted By: steve white Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/12/11 11:36 PM
How does a gun that old have NO oil soaking near the action?! What a great piece. Love the pattern on the sight rib.
Posted By: montenegrin Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/13/11 01:17 AM
Very elegant. I see a couple of Ferlach-like details.

With kind regards,
Posted By: Bob Jurewicz Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/13/11 11:25 AM
Thank you Steve and Jani!!
Bob Jurewicz
Posted By: steve white Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/13/11 03:41 PM
BTW Is the checkering on the forend different LPI than on the grip? The grip looks finer. One of my shotguns made in Montmerault France has coarser checkering on the grip. Wonder if there is a reason?
Posted By: Bob Jurewicz Re: johann haberda double rifle - 06/13/11 06:20 PM
Both 24 LPI. Forend diamonds a little more elongated.
Bob Jurewicz
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