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Posted By: ed good BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/15/15 05:00 PM
gw told us we are a wonderful people, enjoying the benefits of freedom...and that it was our duty to export our brand of freedom to the rest of the world so they could be like us.

ob told us we were not such a nice people, who are not really free...and we should clean up our act here at home and leave the rest of the world alone...

so whose right?
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/15/15 05:13 PM
In the context of complicated geopolitical considerations, the question should be one of fire power. Too much fire power is offensive.
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/15/15 06:49 PM
if one is on the offense, one can never have too much firepower...
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/15/15 08:05 PM
Your good friend King Brown would tell you without blinking that Obama is right. King can always be counted upon to support the anti-gun Liberal Left Democrat, no matter how incompetent.

The hundreds of thousands of innocent Arabic Christian and Muslim civilians who have died at the hands of ISIS and other radical Islamists since Obama withdrew all troops and left a huge power vacuum would say otherwise... if they weren't dead.

On a side-note... one can never have too much firepower if they listen to idiots and surrender their firepower to anti-gunners.


Posted By: dal Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/15/15 11:59 PM
'...since Obama withdrew all troops...' are so quick to enlist others to fight and possibly die. I'm sure the troops and their families are glad to be back home. Maybe you should email some of them and tell them to get the heck back over there?

I'm still waiting to hear that you signed up all your family and/or available relatives to go and fight ISIS.

Please let us know when you’re on your way...I'll wish you luck.

Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 12:27 AM
dal i thought you left?why did obamma give up a victory and give terrorist a safe haven,we have troops in korea and germany as deterrents iraq would have worked the same way.and as a result of the administrations short sighted and limited world view,and not listening to the professional solders and leaders we are facing a big problem that we are going to have to we are going to bring syrian refugees over who we will have to deal if obamma had left a force in iraq.we wouldnt be fighting isis,if obamma had stoped the syrian from crossing the red line we wouldnt have the refugee problem ,so in closing poor leader ship has consequences.dal you said you were leaving please keep your word
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:11 AM
Originally Posted By: dal
'...since Obama withdrew all troops...' are so quick to enlist others to fight and possibly die. I'm sure the troops and their families are glad to be back home. Maybe you should email some of them and tell them to get the heck back over there?

I'm still waiting to hear that you signed up all your family and/or available relatives to go and fight ISIS....

I don't know what it's like up in Canada, but the US has an all volunteer military. Maybe Keith is not talking about the huge responsibility of commanding the US military, but about the misuse of it.

Hopefully it takes a bit more than an email to deploy troops, that kind of irresponsibility can even land a lib in hot water. If you're so concerned about troops facing possible death, why didn't you complain when lib politicians used part of their support budget for 'cash for clunkers', solar panels and billions of other wasted nonsense.

I had a chance to serve. I have family members that're serving right now. How about yourself dal?
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:14 AM
Originally Posted By: craigd

I had a chance to serve. I have family members that're serving right now. How about yourself dal?

I heard that they 4-F midgets so at 5' 4" dla (sic) doesn't qualify.
Posted By: dal Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:19 AM
Yup...sending troops into battle, solves everything...what was I thinking!

I'm sure isis would have disolved their little group of militants...just knowing the 'troops' were bad.

Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:32 AM
Originally Posted By: dal
Yup...sending troops into battle, solves everything...what was I thinking!....

You're not thinking dal, you're running on feelings. If a soldier is ordered into battle, then they do it. If a politician has a military, they don't send them into battle, they send messages. Maybe our messages are just crossed a bit, eh.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:39 AM
Originally Posted By: craigd

I don't know what it's like up in Canada, but the US has an all volunteer military. Maybe Keith is not talking about the huge responsibility of commanding the US military, but about the misuse of it.

Jeez, please tell me dal is not from Canada. I thought he left?
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:20 AM
the isis terrorist would not have gotten a foot hold and advanced if multinational forces were there to stop them .dal. do you understand this.i know it difficult for you to understand but terrorist who kill Christians ,rape indiscriminately cut heads off for the terror aspect understand dying when every one around them are dead they give up dress like woman and run.but if no ones there to stop them then "see above"i thought he left too.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:37 AM
Hey cback, taking a break from dating those old french gals?

I think isis is interesting. Doesn't the state dept say that there're an estimated 30k isis fighters. Because of them, there're millions of refugees, hmmm.

Mentioned before, when refugees flee to neighboring middle eastern countries, they show about half and half men and women, kind of like real life. When they head west for 'refuge', seventy-some percent are males, and hundreds of thousands of them are military aged fit males. Either these are the 'moderates' we should be supporting, spin 'em around a few times and point 'em back towards syria. Or, the left just wants the west to assimilate to isism, eh D.
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:20 AM
ISIS is not a "little" group of militants....they're expanding and growing every day; thanks to Obama's incompetent foreign policy and Europe's typical head-up-a$$ until the situation turns critical.
They will not disband until they face the possibility of total annihilation and none of Europe is interested in stopping them.(what else is new in Europe?...they wait on the U.S. to take the lead just like they did in WWI & WWII) Islam is not a religion; it is a political agenda with the intent of controlling every country it can under Sharia Law. You can either break them over there, or end up fighting them in the U.S. & Canada for your very survival. Or, you can be a coward, convert to Islam, and be a piece of sh%% like them.
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 06:05 AM
The actual number of ISIS fighters is unknown. Estimates range from around 35,000 to 200,000.

But even at the high end, they are ill equipped and lack the formal training of Saddam's vaunted "Million Man Army". We all saw what happened when the coalition, mostly U.S. Military, cut loose on them using the Powell Doctrine of Shock and Awe. It was an absolute bloodbath, and an embarrassment to Arabs. U.S. casualties were extremely minimal at that point.

But more to the point is the fact that all of the blood and treasure expended during Iraq #1 and Iraq #2 was totally wasted by Obama when he simply abandoned everything our soldiers fought for and taxpayers paid for. Irresponsible doesn't begin to describe it. I would love to see a referendum or poll today asking voters if that's what they wanted when they elected the Magic Negro. King Brown, who has phallus fascination, thinks they did. I don't believe that for a moment.

What is certain though is that hundreds of thousands of innocent lives, Christian and Muslim, have been lost as a result of Obama foreign policy. And it isn't over, and the terror and killing has been and will continue to be seen in Europe, Canada, and the U.S. I don't want to see any soldiers die or get wounded, but I wonder if Phallus King or dla (sic) thinks that the civilians who are being killed, tortured, raped, and sold into slavery have any feelings? I wonder how Phallus King or dla (sic) would feel if someone from his family was over there and left to suffer from Obama's blunder?

Originally Posted By: canvasback
Jeez, please tell me dal is not from Canada. I thought he left?

Sorry James, but dla (sic) the illiterate dwarf is from Toronto. From what he told us, I think he made a lot of money working as a gerbil trainer and inserter at a Toronto Gay bar. He led the gerbils by example.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 12:47 PM
Originally Posted By: GaryW
(what else is new in Europe?...they wait on the U.S. to take the lead just like they did in WWI & WWII)

While I agree with the sentiment of your post, please get your history correct. The US absolutely did not take the lead in WW1. It was the Commonwealth countries of Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The US was extremely late to the game. In WWII, You did your best to stay out of the whole mess until you were dragged into it by Pearl Harbour.

That said, you were a critical component of the success against the Japanese and Germans but for the countries that contributed soldiers and supplies and suffered casualties several multiples higher than the US in terms of per capita it's a bit galling to hear history being revised so casually.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:05 PM
Not only that, the Germans and British considered Canada's fighting quality as the best of the First World War.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:10 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Not only that, the Germans and British considered Canada's fighting quality as the best of the First World War.

King, we don't need the mindless boosterism.
Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:44 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: GaryW
(what else is new in Europe?...they wait on the U.S. to take the lead just like they did in WWI & WWII)

While I agree with the sentiment of your post, please get your history correct. The US absolutely did not take the lead in WW1. It was the Commonwealth countries of Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The US was extremely late to the game. In WWII, You did your best to stay out of the whole mess until you were dragged into it by Pearl Harbour.

That said, you were a critical component of the success against the Japanese and Germans but for the countries that contributed soldiers and supplies and suffered casualties several multiples higher than the US in terms of per capita it's a bit galling to hear history being revised so casually.

I don't think the fact that had the US not shown up, in either WW,the outcome would have been 180 degrees different, can or needs to be revised.

I wouldn't think that it could be called anything but what it was. Salvation for the allies. Tojo, educated here, if I'm not mistaken, told the emperor exactly what would happen if the US entered the war against Japan. His timeline was even correct.

Yes, other countries suffered huge casualties and losses. It would have been for naught had we not shown up. The Russians then went on to kill about 10 of their own countrymen, under Stalin, for every one that died in the war. McArthur seems like a genius, from here.

Obama, not so much.

Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:50 PM
Allied casualties in both world wars were indeed staggering before the USA came to either one. That is because they were losing...Geo
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 01:56 PM
Ted, don't misunderstand me. I am eternally grateful for you guys showing up. Don't like the odds had you not been involved. I just like to make sure readers understand others were involved. Especially in WWI. Salvation for the Allies in WWII is an entirely different scenario than the original statement.

And King, the boosterism sticks in my craw because it seems to be come from a place of insecurity. And it is subjective. Who had the best soldiers? Whose generals were most brilliant. Who is the greatest quarterback of all time? What would Bobby Orr been like with two good knees? These are unanswerable questions.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:00 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Allied casualties in both world wars were indeed staggering before the USA came to either one. That is because they were losing...Geo

No, it's because they were wars that involved much of the world BUT the US until the US joined in. And millions and millions of people were in harms way in all theatres, whether as armed forces or civilian bystanders.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 02:53 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Not only that, the Germans and British considered Canada's fighting quality as the best of the First World War.


Evidenced by their overwhelming success at Dieppe.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:01 PM
Boosterism sticks in my craw,too. There's more of the American brand here. Once or twice is acceptable but a regular diet deserves a balancing, another perspective of history of the times. If you're going to brag, get it right.

British historian Sir Basil Liddell Hart described Canadians and their impact on the war: "It is a simple statement of fact that the Canadian Corps was the outstanding formation on the Western Front on either side; no nation could match it."

German chief of staff Ludendorf described Canadians as ". . .lions led by donkeys (the British)." As for best-soldier, best-general questions of the times, they have been adjudicated by historians; not unanswered.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:17 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Boosterism sticks in my craw,too. There's more of the American brand here. Once or twice is acceptable but a regular diet deserves a balancing....

If boosterism deserves balancing, maybe it's with a steady diet of patronizing. Proclaiming the US is the world's defender of democracy probably doesn't stick in craws, if the perspective is understood.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:22 PM
Dieppe was the Second World War, but consider this:

Canadians were chosen as assault troops for a frontal attack on Dieppe August 19, 1942, with the loss of 5,000 in one morning to keep, in part, a promise to Stalin to relieve pressure on his monumental battles on the Eastern Front (while the Americans were nowhere around).

The price was unbelieveably high, as were the 60,000 Canadians killed in the First World War which earned Canada, a child of the British Empire in 1914, a signatory at Versailles on its own behalf in 1919. Dieppe lessons served Canadians to the farthest penetration of all Allied troops on D-Day: seven miles.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:28 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....German chief of staff Ludendorf described Canadians as ". . .lions led by donkeys (the British)." As for best-soldier, best-general questions of the times, they have been adjudicated by historians; not unanswered.

Iran calls the US military 'the GREAT satan', a clear line in the sand, but an unprecedented sign of respect, distinguishing it from countless mortal enemies of the radical islamics over thousands of years.

But, even for Canadians, all war is bad. It's a waste of life and treasures. There are no historical footnotes that can change that fact. Eh?
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:29 PM
Running an empire has responsibilities, and countries within its orbit share those responsibilities, as Canada has when democracy is threatened by fascism, communism, and jihadists. Canada doesn't answer to anyone in that respect.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:40 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Running an empire has responsibilities, and countries within its orbit share those responsibilities, as Canada has when democracy is threatened by fascism, communism, and jihadists. Canada doesn't answer to anyone in that respect.

I have noticed this. When the roof is on fire, in the middle east, Canadians mow the lawn. When a clear threat is deemed inconvenient, redefinition to 'immigrant' is clouded with job creation and educational outcome. I forget, what was the topic?
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 03:49 PM
All war is bad, in that we can't find better ways to ameliorate different interests without killing--- civilians surpassingly more than combatants--- and keep killing to serve those interests.

No one here believes in peace at any price although history seems to show greater reasoning, jawing instead of killing, has had a mitigating effect on starting wars. Even the Great Satan criers are fighting on "our" side in the Middle East.

And---a member the other day was saying Putin "saved" Obama's bacon in the region. Globalization, everyone taking in each other's wash one way or another, and no-win nuclear are becoming game-changers.

ISIS is manageable.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:02 PM
Every once in a while, when I get drawn into a conversation like this, I revert to the idea that the West, read America, should just carpet bomb the Middle East with nukes. Sorry Israel but it needs to be done.

Islam is an expansionist faith, unhappy until all have been conquered and pulled back to the 9th century. After 14 centuries they have been unable to effectively reform as the world moved forward. They have only expanded, century after century, dragging their conquered lands back to the middle ages.

Yes there would be collateral damage but there is in any war. And this is a war Islam has been waging against all for a very long time. Christian, Hindu and Atheists alike.....we're all targets.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:03 PM
You have that right. Canada mowed the lawn and told the US if it wanted to set the roof on fire and destabilize the region go ahead with an invasion of Iraq under its newly declared Bush Doctrine: the world is either for us or against us, the US has the right to arbitrarily invade any country and change its institutions if the US says they're inimical to its national interests. That's why Canada did not buttle to Bush. It wouldn't bite on Vietnam for the same reason.
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:07 PM
King, you cant be serious about the canadians on d day.the Americans had the toughest ares to conquer.i was in normandy two years ago and i couldnt believe how far the distance that had to be covered by american troops at omaha beach and how many bunkers there were on the german side.historian have said the gold and juno beaches by far had the easiest time. not that any thing was easy about d-day.isis has to be destroyed.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:11 PM
That would be a slam-dunk for sure but wouldn't change anything in the region. It didn't work in Vietnam with the greatest panoply of military power the world had ever seen. Public opinion wouldn't have it. Israel won't have it, and if it thought we were thinking that way it would do something to bring us back to our senses. ISIS is manageable.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 04:57 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
All war is bad, in that we can't find better ways to ameliorate different interests without killing....ISIS is manageable.

I snipped out the direct contradiction, but is the great satan crier, our 'helper', helping with brotherly love. Is the roof burning, or does it only flare up conveniently as a means to some end. By the way, what is the end. Isis trims their murder, misogyny, terror and colonialization by, say 50%, for a place on the world stage? Partnership in the future, verifiable friendship, cut greenhouse gasses, maybe the lecture circuit on college campus's.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 05:10 PM
mc, I'm serious that Canadian regiments learned from Dieppe. I wrote a book on one of them, the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry, which made deepest penetration in Dieppe, and never failed to take its objectives to the end of the war.

American difficulties on the beaches were as much with navigation and logistics as strength of enemy and terrain. Compare US beach casualties to ours. Our leading regiments were our own North Nova Scotia Highlanders and The North Shore Regiment of neighbouring province New Brunswick. Recommend books by a great American military historian Rick Atkinson: Guns at Last Light and The Day of Battle. He's right up there with British military historian Antony Beevor.

Arguably the most distinguished military historian today, Beevor in D-Day, The Battle for Normandy (Viking): "The Canadians were determined to take revenge for the Dieppe raid, the disastrous experiment from which fewer than half their men had returned. Dieppe had provided a cruel but vital lesson for the planning of D-Day: never attack a heavily defended port from the sea. . .The strength of the Canadians lay in the quality of their junior officers, many of whom were eagerly borrowed by a British Army short of manpower."

I have two highly decorated friends who tried to relieve the green Americans at Kasserine Pass in North Africa, were in D-Day as tank commander and forward observation officer, and my closest friend, now 99, was all through it from Sicily, Italy, Northwest Europe with his three brothers.

I'm currently writing a biography on a Canadian citizen-soldier who was instrumental in Canada's breakthrough of Italy's Gothic Line, considered Canada's greatest military achievement since Vimy Ridge in WW 1. That's why I don't take Ken's crack at our military prowess lightly!
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 05:16 PM
King Brown shows his typical Libtard stupidity when he keeps saying that ISIS is manageable.

Merely managing ISIS with extremely limited air and drone strikes insures a perpetual conflict and a perpetual string of terrorist attacks on civilian and military targets around the world.

King Brown's inane solution for controlling Islamic terrorism is much like his notion of playing footsie with anti-gunners and then wondering why we gain ground only to lose it again later.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Boosterism sticks in my craw,too. There's more of the American brand here. Once or twice is acceptable but a regular diet deserves a balancing, another perspective of history of the times. If you're going to brag, get it right.

You want to know what sticks in my craw? When filthy liars with latent homosexual tendencies like King Brown preach civility and accuse others of vulgarity, but resort to vulgar dishonest tactics like this when they have nothing of substance to fall back on:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

King Brown is a sleazy liar who tried to tar me with his own disturbing homosexual and phallic fascination. He still has not provided any proof to back up his lie. He thinks he can just dance away from it and ignore it and it will be forgotten. But our Nova Scotian Closet Queen has revealed his affinity for all things gay many times with his support of Obama lighting the White House in rainbow colors, and repeatedly crowing about Pope Francis' "Who am I to judge?" statement pertaining to gays.

Is this King's book on the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry? Did he write it or is he once again taking credit for work his Daddy did? And what about the other author, Brereton Greenhous ? Semper Paratus--- Always Ready... to tell another lie!

What a fraud. What a shameless pompous self-centered bloviating ass!
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 05:42 PM
No one knows the end, Craig. Our economists can't get it right ever. We do know that things change on a dime these days. Who would have thought a black would be elected twice as president of the most influential and powerful nation on earth?

What's the last time you saw a spittoon? It's now a disgrace to spit on the streets. Iran is bombing Isis. Our NATO ally Turkey is bombing Kurds being taught by our troops to mark targets for our jets. It takes time to sort all this out. Who are enemies and friends?

Obama says at least 20 years. I think of Isis as one of those disease scourges that scared the world that pop up from time to time and are pushed back by technology and money. With more of both, the West won the Cold War. Where's Isis with traumatized peoples and oil at $20 a barrel?
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 05:49 PM
King Brown shows his typical Libtard stupidity when he keeps saying that ISIS is manageable.

Merely managing ISIS with extremely limited air and drone strikes insures a perpetual conflict and a perpetual string of terrorist attacks on civilian and military targets around the world.

King Brown's inane solution for controlling Islamic terrorism is much like his notion of playing footsie with anti-gunners and then wondering why we gain ground only to lose it again later.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Boosterism sticks in my craw,too. There's more of the American brand here. Once or twice is acceptable but a regular diet deserves a balancing, another perspective of history of the times. If you're going to brag, get it right.

You want to know what sticks in my craw? When filthy liars with latent homosexual tendencies like King Brown preach civility and accuse others of vulgarity, but resort to vulgar dishonest tactics like this when they have nothing of substance to fall back on:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

King Brown is a sleazy liar who tried to tar me with his own disturbing homosexual and phallic fascination. He still has not provided any proof to back up his lie. He thinks he can just dance away from it and ignore it and it will be forgotten. But our Nova Scotian Closet Queen has revealed his affinity for all things gay many times with his support of Obama lighting the White House in rainbow colors, and repeatedly crowing about Pope Francis' "Who am I to judge?" statement pertaining to gays.

Is this King's book on the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry?

Did he write it or is he once again taking credit for work his Daddy did? And what about the other author Brereton Greenhous? Semper Paratus--- Always Ready... to tell another lie!

What a fraud. What a shameless pompous self-centered bloviating ass!
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 06:16 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Where's Isis with traumatized peoples and oil at $20 a barrel?

Isis is managing themselves thank you, proactive sorts they are.

Aside from that, they have cover from the west, pc glorification as freedom fighters and or intentional ignoring. A little blip eh. Why's europe in chaos, and North America importing 'jobs-n-educational prowess'. Who needs to waste a bleeding heart on a pop up, when there's domestic engineering to had for the taking. Why not hand out korans, paperback condensed edition, and turn 'em back around to ride it out. It's just a tiny kidney stone, that'll pass too, eh.

Me? I saw a spittoon just yesterday, I'm sure you saw it too. I believe some folks would call him a Republican candidate. Others, well let's just agree that there's no disgrace in spitting on some streets. Hmmm, eh, hmmm, I made my eyebrow go up and down.
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 07:28 PM
everything that i have read and talked to guys who were there said the Americans had the toughest objective on d day.i did go by the ardenne church in normandy(i might have the spelling incorrect)Sicily and Italy were the western operation to pacify Stalin.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 07:37 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Allied casualties in both world wars were indeed staggering before the USA came to either one. That is because they were losing...Geo

No, it's because they were wars that involved much of the world BUT the US until the US joined in. And millions and millions of people were in harms way in all theatres, whether as armed forces or civilian bystanders.

Gee whiz canvasback, you mean the allies were winning the wars before the USA ever got involved?...Geo
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 08:48 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Allied casualties in both world wars were indeed staggering before the USA came to either one. That is because they were losing...Geo

No, it's because they were wars that involved much of the world BUT the US until the US joined in. And millions and millions of people were in harms way in all theatres, whether as armed forces or civilian bystanders.

Gee whiz canvasback, you mean the allies were winning the wars before the USA ever got involved?...Geo

I thought you were a lawyer Geo.? Should be able to read and understand sentences, no?

Winning or losing in those wars, casualties were staggering before and after America's entrance. My point, clear as day, was that losing the war was not the cause of the casualties, fighting the war was.

Some of you seem to have gone to the John Wayne Movie School of History.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 09:02 PM
So maybe the old USA might have made just a little difference huh. Hurrah for John Wayne!...Geo
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 09:22 PM
I'm really getting chapped that you folks won't stay on topic. What would the Duke do for saddle sores?
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 10:26 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
So maybe the old USA might have made just a little difference huh. Hurrah for John Wayne!...Geo

Why is this so hard? I never once suggested America's contribution wasn't critical or valued by all the rest of the Allies.

I simple pointed out that 1) America didn't "lead" in either case, Britain did in the sense of standing up to Hitler and in both wars America was trying to stay out. That is hardly "leading".

And 2) casualties in those two wars were not an indicator of who was winning at any given point in time. There were horrendous casualties on all sides throughout both conflicts.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 10:28 PM
And from all accounts the Duke was a draft dodger.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 10:30 PM
Originally Posted By: craigd
I'm really getting chapped that you folks won't stay on topic. What would the Duke do for saddle sores?

Why he'd put on an asbestos suit and go put out some oil well fires then take the boat to Ireland where he'd engage in the occasional donnybrook. Give his ass a rest!

Back on topic. Yea for Bush, boo for Obama.

Both tried their best in difficult to make America and the world better and the other to make America and the world a more dangerous place.
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 10:32 PM
If you guys want a war hero actor, why don't you go put Audie Murphy on the pedestal instead of John Wayne. He was a good actor and that's about it.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 11:20 PM
The Duke was drafted by the Dodgers, I never knew that. Baseball, apple pie and a genuine war hero, I'm getting a tingle up my leg. Hang on, this is a trick right, wasn't he a white guy?

edit to add, okay cback. Didn't anyone wish they could have gone to the Raquel Welch school of anthropology?
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/16/15 11:42 PM
Originally Posted By: craigd
The Duke was drafted by the Dodgers, I never knew that. Baseball, apple pie and a genuine war hero, I'm getting a tingle up my leg. Hang on, this is a trick right, wasn't he a white guy?

edit to add, okay cback. Didn't anyone wish they could have gone to the Raquel Welch school of anthropology?

You are making me laugh tonight Craig. Thanks. And I know I did! You know, wish about the Raquel school thingy.
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 12:08 AM
politicans do send soldiers into harms way...usually a waste of good men, who would rather not be there...
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 01:48 AM
enlighten us with some of your experiences of being sent into harm's way by politicians Eddie........
You HAVE served in the military in combat haven't you? Or, did you just make that statement above up like you do every time you post an opinion?
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 01:57 AM
this forum is not an appropriate place to discuss any living persons combat experiences.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 02:03 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
What's the last time you saw a spittoon? It's now a disgrace to spit on the streets.

Spoken by the guy who used his dog for a spittoon. Now THAT'S a disgrace King.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 02:47 AM
Since we're talking WWII here, tomorrow 9/17/15 marks the 76th anniversary that Korvettenkapitan Otto Schuhart and his crew from U-29 sank British aircraft carrier HMS Courageous. Schuhart also sank Pacific Reliance, Regent Tiger, Neptunia, British Influence, Cato, Thurston, Athellaird, and Eurymedon. all British ships.

Just thought you guys would like to know. smile
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 03:51 AM
"This forum is not an appropriate place to discuss any living person's combat experiences."

Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 04:53 AM
Originally Posted By: J.R.B.
Originally Posted By: King Brown
What's the last time you saw a spittoon? It's now a disgrace to spit on the streets.

Spoken by the guy who used his dog for a spittoon. Now THAT'S a disgrace King.

J.R.B., that was a Grand Slam- Last Game of the World Series- Game Winning Home Run!
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 02:58 PM
john Wayne was old, had kids, a bad back, and was at one point classified 4f he tried to enlist and was turned down. he did do some light weight work for the oss.i think he had a football scholar ship but was injured.King stirring the shit pot again.
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 04:31 PM
Google him under draft dodger, mc.
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 04:41 PM
I googled "King Brown" and this is what came up..........

Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 04:59 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
Google him under draft dodger, mc.

What a courageous stance. In context, I doubt there was any way he could've known that the country would eventually elect a black man as pres. I think given time, history could be revised enough to show that he was gay. But hey, the timeliness of the latest global warming 'fact' filling report should set those war mongering R's back in their place. Yours truly, ugg the caveman.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 05:14 PM
The saddest thing about President Obama is that he has sunk Ben Carson's chances of becoming a good first black President...Geo
Posted By: canvasback Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 06:04 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
The saddest thing about President Obama is that he has sunk Ben Carson's chances of becoming a good first black President...Geo

Yaeh, but I'd happily take him as the first GOOD black president!
Posted By: King Brown Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 06:05 PM
If Americans voted for Obama primarily because he was black, possibly. If they voted for change, as electorates regularly do, maybe not.
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 08:05 PM
google him under facts.king he did some work with john fords film crew and that was part of the war department documentation film group he was born in 1907 do the math. he was an actor an at almost 40 with a bad back that cost him his football scholarship there wasn't much of a draft to make me wonder how you could have possibly done all the things you don't seem very bright.
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/17/15 10:10 PM
Knave Brown is an anti-American jerk-off who safely resides over the border in Nova Scotia where he can espouse his pathetic rhetoric without fear of retribution. Pay him little heed; like horse and cow droppings, he will eventually dry up and blow away.
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 12:03 AM
garyw; your above is just another meaningless personal attack, launched in a childlike fashion...

if you dont like what king posts here, then challenge him like an adult instead of like some undisciplined kid.
Posted By: J.R.B. Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 01:34 AM
STFU ed.
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 01:37 AM
Originally Posted By: ed good
garyw; your above is just another meaningless personal attack, launched in a childlike fashion...

if you dont like what king posts here, then challenge him like an adult instead of like some undisciplined kid.

Really Ed? Then you must have been really pissed when your pal King Brown made the statement about me below. What do you say when filthy liars with latent homosexual tendencies like King Brown preach civility and accuse others of vulgarity, but resort to vulgar dishonest tactics like this when they have nothing of substance to fall back on:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

I'm still waiting for your buddy who has phallus fascination to show us where this alleged "comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity" occurred. It appears to be more of the psychological projection that you and King Brown are so fond of. After all, few here have shown such an affinity for all things homosexual as King.

How many times has King repeated that statement by Pope Francis, "Who am I to judge?" pertaining to queers? Why do you suppose King finds such solace in those words, yet totally disagrees with the Pope's stand on abortion? Why doesn't King just come out of the closet Ed? We can all see the guy is obsessed with penises.
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 04:13 AM
Ed Good is an anti-gun, hypocritical charlatan posing as a respectable gun dealer who should never be taken seriously.
Pay him little heed; like horse and cow droppings, he will one day dry up and blow away. Unless of course, the BATF finally catches up with him.

Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 06:07 AM
more nonsense posted by kids...
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 08:07 AM
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 03:42 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
garyw; your above is just another meaningless personal attack, launched in a childlike fashion...

if you dont like what king posts here, then challenge him like an adult instead of like some undisciplined kid.

Really Ed? Then you must have been really pissed when your pal King Brown made the statement about me below. What do you say when filthy liars with latent homosexual tendencies like King Brown preach civility and accuse others of vulgarity, but resort to vulgar dishonest tactics like this when they have nothing of substance to fall back on:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
His comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity comes off as homophobic and distinctly phallic!

I'm still waiting for your buddy who has phallus fascination to show us where this alleged "comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity" occurred. It appears to be more of the psychological projection that you and King Brown are so fond of. After all, few here have shown such an affinity for all things homosexual as King.

How many times has King repeated that statement by Pope Francis, "Who am I to judge?" pertaining to queers? Why do you suppose King finds such solace in those words, yet totally disagrees with the Pope's stand on abortion? Why doesn't King just come out of the closet Ed? We can all see the guy is obsessed with penises.
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/18/15 07:00 PM
"More nonsense posted by kids"......

Gee, Eddie; I'm appalled that you don't understand did attend high school didn't you? Or, did you spend all your time skipping school and lifting hubcaps?
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 01:28 AM
sic semper tyranus...yall
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 02:44 AM
why do poli tic ians refer to soldiers as cannon fodder?
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 05:36 AM
Why do we all refer to Ed as a turd?
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 05:56 AM
eds a moron,but turd works
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 09:51 AM
Originally Posted By: mc
eds a moron,but turd works

mc keeps calling you a moron. I want to again correct mc about that, because a moron is a clinical term for someone with an I.Q between 51 and 70. An imbecile is someone with an I.Q. between 26 and 50. An idiot is someone with an I.Q. between 0 and 25.

Ed Good, you are an idiot. And you are on the very low end of that scale. A turd has more brains than you, and you worship an anti-gun fraud named King Brown who has phallus fascination. What a loser.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 11:18 AM
Originally Posted By: keith

I'm still waiting for your buddy who has phallus fascination to show us where this alleged "comedic projection of swords and snakes as tough masculinity" occurred. It appears to be more of the psychological projection that you and King Brown are so fond of. After all, few here have shown such an affinity for all things homosexual as King.

Who you talking about the mentally ill Tex'azz faggot ?
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 01:27 PM
yet another potentially interesting topic trashed into oblivion on this potentially wonderful forum...
Posted By: GaryW Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 04:33 PM
HA HA HA HA HA....."potentially interesting topic"
This reflects all topics and comments posted by The Propane Kid.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 05:54 PM
Last time United States had good president was almost 16 years ago. His name is William Jefferson Clinton.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 09:31 PM
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Last time United States had good president was almost 16 years ago. His name is William Jefferson Clinton.

At least he had the good sense to bend to the will of Newt and the Republican Congress. But, he was still able to set up the destruction of the Economy by creating the housing bubble. The bad (sociopathic statist policies) clearly outweighs any good.
Posted By: ithaca1 Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/19/15 09:55 PM
Originally Posted By: Ken61
But, he was still able to set up the destruction of the Economy by creating the housing bubble.

Most folks have such short memories they can't even remember last year let alone the Slick Willie housing bubble or him disgracing the White House with his bimbo knob polisher or not authorizing puff in Somalia and on and on.
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 12:17 PM
uh jager, clinton was even worse than ob...

clinton tried to keep me and thousands of other hobby gun dealers from renewing their ffl...ob has not done such a thing; and now it is too late for him to do so even if he tried...
Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 02:07 PM
Are you familiar with the stand of Ed Good against Gun Rights?

Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 03:04 PM
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 03:07 PM
keith I couldn't get your link to work so I fixed it for you.

Anti-gun posts by double gun dealer ed good

EDIT: The fact that ed is an anti-gun rights and anti-hunting doublegun dealer never ceases to puzzle me. Kind of like the president of PETA wears a fur coat to the baby seal harvest and then goes for a ribeye at Outback and then posts about her day on the PETA BBS forum.

Posted By: keith Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 04:47 PM
Thank you Mike. I fixed the link in my earlier post as well.

Unfortunately, Ed Good is a complete idiot who cannot see the connection between a gun ban, and totally eliminating semi-automatic handguns.
Posted By: craigd Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 05:08 PM
He may not get his total elimination, but he gets the ball rolling. Just because it's brought, means there's some sort of obligation to give it credibility. But, when his judgement and tactics are brought up, for discussion of course, he's offended or trolls more. Teacher, maybe, college prof, more likely.
Posted By: mc Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 08:07 PM
clinton. dot com bubble,enron,cole african embassys,and if you use the democrats policy of blaming bush forever then 911 was clintons fault.he was so distracted by his inability to keep his pants on that policy went out the window.missed opportunities.and his wife covering up to retain power.what a pair.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 10:28 PM
Don't worry you will have Jeb, Marco or Hillary for at least four years. I predict same results as you got in what last fifteen years? What is it that Republican Congress and Senate done for you? How about nothing.
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 09/21/15 10:56 PM
" What is it that Republican Congress and Senate done for you? How about nothing."

well, for one thing, they have neutralized ob...
Posted By: ed good Re: BUSH VS OBAMA - 10/02/15 02:18 PM
so now that the russians have taken over our role in the middle east, we can all now concentrate on making "a more perfect union"?
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