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Posted By: Lowell Glenthorne Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 11:28 AM
Some say the witching hour is sometime in late 2009 - what does that do to your collection. Do you cull the American stragglers, buy the best Brit or sell-off the Euros(pssst sell-off the Euros)?
I'm down to three guns, and it wouldn't bother me bit to be down to one as long as it's the best I can have.
One is good.
Posted By: ohiosam Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 12:27 PM
Buy black guns
Posted By: Ironman5 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 01:03 PM
While you still can!!
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 01:41 PM
Do you expect to be flat broke, attacked, or run off you place by bandits? (sell off the Euros, good tip. maybe hang on just s a leetle bit longer.).
Posted By: arrieta2 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 01:56 PM
My clients are still buying, no problem. The wealthy always have money. Its the lower middle class or below that will have a hard time to justify new gun purchases.

John Boyd
Posted By: Dave K Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 02:52 PM
Originally Posted By: ohiosam
Buy black guns

agreed I have a Rock River Arms Entry Tactical on order 8 weeks next week!Been buying 223 while I wait,goes up faster then my oil stocks !
and buy more GLD (gold )
its been berry berry good to me!
Posted By: mc Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 04:40 PM
market correction run on about a two year cycle it has been five.lowell sell me you guns really cheep, then put tin foil on your head. hide under your bed.till the bad man leaves mc
Posted By: KY Jon Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 05:35 PM

Lowell is the bad man I think.

I have been hearing the end of the world stuff for decades. Always the same basic thing. Money becomes worthless, riots, general breakdown of the entire social order. If that happens I got to tell you we are all screwwwwwwwwed. I have tons of guns and lots of bullets but will never have enough to fend off six billion people. I think I will hide behind Hillary, or maybe hide behind Rosie or all my liberal leaders. I feel safe now.
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 05:40 PM
Buying gold now would scare me. Hasn't all the big increase already happened? I had a friend buy gold at around $900 back in the '80s and he's just now gonna be able to sell for a profit. I don't think I could wait over 20 yrs to get my money back.

On the gun thing, I just bought a Mini 14 and a pile of .223.
Posted By: Dave K Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 05:58 PM
I think Gold is going to 1200 this summer and 2000 which inflation adjusted is about where it should be.
Gold, Oil and other commodities that are traded in dollars are going higher when the dollar goes lower and it sure seems like thats where the fed wants it or will let it go in order to avoid a meltdown.

How you finding those 223 prices?
been using this site;
Posted By: Yogi 000 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 06:05 PM
True, the rich will be fine. The middle class and lower, the ones carrying the bolders on their backs to build the pyramids, they will suffer the most during this next phase. And yes the rich will buy the good guns up at increasing levels.

Don't lose sight of this fact: $1.7 Trillion alone was spent on the industrial war complex in the past few years for Iraq/Afghanistan occupations. That money, mostly, went into the top 3%'s pockets. But it went into many companies. There are some very, very, very, very, ridiculously rich people who have gotten just a whole lot "richer" and $4 at the pump does not prevent them from buying ANY guns...

Sure $4 at the pump hurts only the wage earner, the workers. Those who can't afford to pay for base costs in the near term will have to sell things, like their collector guns, to survive and they will take a bath on those guns. The rich will just end up with more fine guns. I do know some owners of companies who have made a great deal of money on the Iraq occupation. And they are still making BIG money. Very little oversight going on.

Oh, and was that "buy black guns" post racism or bigotry?... It certainly was not funny.
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 06:18 PM
I think the "black gun" reference was to plastic stocked 'assault' style guns. At least that's the coloquial definition in my neck of the woods. I don't believe any derogatory reference was stated or intended.
Posted By: Dave K Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 06:23 PM
AR15 "Home of the Black Rifle"

nothing racist at all,just the term they use for the assault weapons.
BTW if you think $4. at the pump is high just wait till it doubles and it will.Those will be the good old days
Posted By: Yogi 000 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 06:43 PM
Got it.
Posted By: foxhound Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 07:34 PM
My mistake. Nothing really bad will ever happen to us Americans. Cause we are the best in every way? Isn't that what they drummed into our heads when we were young and impressionable?

HMMMMM...come to think about it, I think that's what little Russian kids were taught back when as well.

I surely don't worry about things I can't control, but it doesn't mean the crap won't hit the fan. Regardless of what the experts say.It has happened before. They are process of trying to save their (and our) collective asses right now. Actually, those of the whole world as well,considering how tied together we all are now.

Me, I think we gave it all to the greedheads. Sooner or later, the piper will be paid. The question is, is it sooner or later?

'Global village my *&^'
The original Xenophobe
Posted By: Mike Armstrong Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 07:35 PM
Chuck, if I were shooting my .410 as well as you, I might just stick with that! "Shoot the guns (nunchucks, razors, wine bottles, whatever)right out of their hands" like the Lone Ranger used to! Politically correct "demi-violence"; non-lethal scttergunnery! (Besides, all those "nail parlors" we seem to have in every strip mall in SouCal will need the repair business..those ladies gotta work, too).

(I AM kidding. I guess I'm as much of a catastrophist as anyone, but I worry more about flu than anything else. Been there, done that; damn' near died.).
Posted By: ohiosam Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 08:02 PM
Originally Posted By: Yogi 000

Oh, and was that "buy black guns" post racism or bigotry?... It certainly was not funny.

Do I get an apology for being called a bigot?
Posted By: Hansli Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 08:38 PM
I'm sorry you think someone called you a bigot. Here's an ice cream cone.
John Boyd, by wealthy - I guess I was thinking along the lines of Lewis Drake's clients.
7k guns are middle class eh?
Anyway, shooter barrels will make good window bars!
Posted By: jerry6stl Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/18/08 11:31 PM
It seems to me that we are all doing pretty well!

We have multiple SxS shotguns in the closet or safe, enough shells to shoot, and time to play on the internet. Most have a spouse, a bird dog, some bucks in an IRA, and at least one jug of hooch.

Life is GOOD!

Posted By: Shoot-N-Release Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 03:20 AM
good gawd will you guys take a breath. the real estate market in the u.s. and worldwide has been on a drunken binge the last five years. did 40pct annual appreciation ever seem crazy to you? now that many of those fraudulant loans from the sub-prime market are falling through there will be some price adjustment. meantime investors have abandoned real esate and are buying commodities i.e. oil because the other investment alternatives like bonds have rates that are unattractive. you guys think those with money will buy up all the guns? heck they're going to buy real estate, as soon as it bottoms, because it will be a great opporunity. guns are like candy to the very rich. what's 100k to them? meantime they'll be picking up mothballed housing developments for pennies on the dollar.
Posted By: Doug Waterman Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 03:40 AM
Do you think all that war money went directly to these wealthy people?... If we look a little deeper these Business Owners created thousands of jobs(many high paying) that created the commodies that the war machine required...Sure the big guys got some big bucks... but the unemployment numbers in the US has remained very low for a long time... I still feel that anyone that has the 'energy' to work can still find employment fairly easily...
Posted By: Chuck H Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 03:55 AM
On real estate, I thought it was crashing in CA. But yesterday I heard a house on my street went for near 3 times what I paid for my house 11 yrs ago. Seemed crazy to me.
Posted By: Shoot-N-Release Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 04:27 AM
Originally Posted By: Chuck H
On real estate, I thought it was crashing in CA. But yesterday I heard a house on my street went for near 3 times what I paid for my house 11 yrs ago. Seemed crazy to me.

that's encouraging. my brother is in real estate in the east bay area and he describes it as "blood in the streets". there's a year's inventory to burn through.

certainly there are areas where speculation went wild like san diego, florida, arizona, las vegas where most of the correction will take place. anytime you have buyers buying new construction on pre-sale and selling six months later at 20pct profit you know it's insane and cannot last. there are also areas like stockton where a lot of sub-prime stuff was bought and is now being repossessed by the banks because many of those buyers should not have been buying, at least at those prices. there are other areas that didn't really go sky high and only a minor correction will take place. here in the pac nw we never went ballistic so we'll be lucky if only a 10-15pct correction will take place in this downturn.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 04:42 AM
vOte Osama Bama...

him and his Preacher are going to save the world.
High conditioned original guns thru the ranks will still have star power. Others may have a tuff go of it.
Now I'm not saying to sell your guns for food lads, but just to stay ahead in the gun game.
Horse trade your way to a few betters now - thats my story!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 11:19 AM
Only one thing for certain Lowell....there's one way in and one way out of here.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 11:22 AM
Originally Posted By: Hansli
I'm sorry you think someone called you a bigot. Here's an ice cream cone.

I never gOt one....
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 11:24 AM
Originally Posted By: jerry6stl
It seems to me that we are all doing pretty well!

We have multiple SxS shotguns in the closet or safe, enough shells to shoot, and time to play on the internet. Most have a spouse, a bird dog, some bucks in an IRA, and at least one jug of hooch.

Life is GOOD!


Lowell must be out of hooch...
Posted By: Yogi 000 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 01:51 PM
QUOTE -- "Do I get an apology for being called a bigot?"

Wow man Chill NO ONE called you a bigot. NO ONE. I simply asked a question. And when that QUESTION was ansered I immediately replied that 'I got it. Thanks." No accusations there, my friend.

Sentences with ? at the end are QUESTIONS.

Demanding apologies when NO offence was intended is how problems start. I asked a QUESTION.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 02:21 PM
Life is great, boyz. Soon I will be getting 20lb box from TX full of ammo for my newest rig. I'm one of the guys lookin for great gun deals now and in the near future.
Oh yeh, the newest attempt at world conquest is nothing more then redistribution of tax $ from the middle to the top.
Posted By: ohiosam Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 02:28 PM
Thanks for the grammar lesson, I went to public school and they never taught me that I could say what ever I want as long as it was followed by a question mark.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 02:36 PM
Originally Posted By: Chuck H
On real estate, I thought it was crashing in CA. But yesterday I heard a house on my street went for near 3 times what I paid for my house 11 yrs ago. Seemed crazy to me.

But you probably have a neigbor who paid 50% more two years ago than that one went for and he thinks the world is upside down. I know how he feels. After the oil bust in the 80s Amarillo had the most affordable housing in the nation and typically had over a year's inventory.


Posted By: Yogi 000 Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 02:50 PM
I wasn't trying to SAY anything; I asked a simple question. I got the answer and then UNDERSTOOD. I'm into double barrel guns and old guns,wooden stocks, not AR-15's. I didn't know about the slang term for AR-15's. Why do you want to make more out of this than existed?
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 09:37 PM
I recall an outdoor writer that didn't like the Black Guns..
Posted By: Mike Armstrong Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/19/08 10:28 PM
WAY OT, but what really scares me is not dollars nor doubles in trouble, but the fact that our dollars don't seem to buy us reliable military small arms YET!

My baby son just completed USMC basic training at Parris Island. He did well; was platoon honor grad, shot Expert, came out a Pfc.--"pretty good for a college boy," as his senior DI told me.

He was issued a new FN-USA-made M16A1, which he nicknamed "Sandy" because she jammed at even the sight of sand (PI is made of sand). During the "Crucible" section, in a night live fire exercise, he found the target, squeezed off, and got a CLICK. Cleared the weapon as per training, and got a CLICK. One CLICK later, he rolled over on his back, stripped the weapon, relubed, and finally got his CRACK, CRACK, CRACK--minutes late. Swears to me that he spent about two hours preparing Sandy for the situation--strip, clean, lube, clean--as trained.

Now that scares the CRAP out of me. Told him to get hold of a Jungle Gun as soon as he was allowed, and then I got him a Ruger KP345 for when he's allowed a sidearm (which may be only when he's on leave). Not exactly precision arms, but they never just go CLICK.

I'm an old fart and had hoped to NEVER hear this M16 story again. But I've heard it from both Afghanistan and that other sandy place. What gives in the Republic, anyway? I know there's plenty wrong (like always), but why in Hell can't we get the basics, like rifles and VA healthcare for our troops right?
That would be the simple answer Paul, but there are a number of things in the crosshairs of life. Changes could come fast. Choose your guns & rifles well ol'boy - and get to higher ground!
Posted By: James M Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/20/08 03:33 PM
I do the cleaning and maintenance of the M16s and M4s at my club and they are generally reliable but DO require frequent cleaning. The Ak47s on the other hand just seem to continue to function even without much cleaning. I've never had the opportunity to use either of these types of weapons under adverse outdoor conditions so I can't speak to their reliability in those situations.
An additional point:
I've seen the cost of ammo go up sharply over the last year. Most of the ammo sold at my club is MAGTECH which in manufactired in Brazil.
I'd forget the lube, or go with graphite. Sand loves oil.
Posted By: Ken Georgi Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/20/08 10:22 PM
Mike -

Disconcerting story for sure from your son, but having shot most of the M16A2 variants in a many different climates and places, I would still chose it over ANY of the AK variants. The M16A2 (and its many derivatives) is not a perfect weapon, but it vastly improved over the earlier versions. To a gun, the AKs I have shot were rougher than a cob, demonstrated poor accuracy, were equipped with crude optics, and had generally poor ergonomics. Reliability was very good in the AKs, but it was not awful in the M16A2.

Best of success to your son - SF,

Cabela's has some Lefevers, a pretty hot gun with you guys - a year ago they'd have been snapped-up just to have.
Today they linger - money is short and they're somewhat on the shoddy side. Just having a specimen is not enough anymore!
Btw KY, I didn't broadcast the fact that I ripped off some poor ol'sap's Fox HE. Think you might be the badman!
Posted By: dubbletrubble Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/20/08 11:26 PM
So what is this about black guns? I thought they all were black. Except maybe Barbie's best gun...I'm sure it's pink.
Posted By: rabbit Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/20/08 11:40 PM
The charging assist on the Mattie Mattels is actually part of a grand tradition in American military smallware. How about that 1903 that delivers the full package on case separation? Could it be that the wonderful old Rube Goldberg M1 can actually be loaded and cycled more reliably with the "Holbrook device" installed. Sad world where the most reliable downrange delivery system is a blowback 9mm? And they're usually GREEN plastic.

Posted By: Mike Armstrong Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/21/08 12:17 AM
Thanks, Ken. Sorry about the vent, but having a shooter that shoots is about the most important thing to a Marine. Dan says "Sandy" was plenty accurate, when/if you could get her to speak....

Does anyone know if the Galil/Valmets (Kalashnikov variants that shoot our 5.56 round and are used by a Israel, SA, Finland, and some smaller countries) are more reliable than the M16? I've run into them in Guatemala, whose troops love them, but even there they are being displaced by Chinese AKMs, mainly because of price.

Hey, Jack, it's the "green plastic" time of year! My buddy has a green plastic DA .45 that really works. Of course, it is prominently stamped "Made in Croatia"....(Actually my black plastic Ruger P345 works fine and is made in our own Republic).
Posted By: Bouvier Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/21/08 01:00 AM
If you have anything of value to sell ...... sell it in Europe if you can. I recently sold a small painting I inherited . It sold in Europe for the high side estimate ...... AND ..... my US estimate was in USD ...... The painting went for the same number of Euros ....... A 50% premium. I bought a lot of very nice furniture in the UK in the 70's that now lives in storage. My next task is to get a 20' container and ship it to Germany for sale.

Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Dollars and doubles in trouble? - 03/21/08 02:31 AM
I'm serious, life is good. Just few weeks I bought new rifle in kal. 9.3x62 and put new top shelf 30mm scope from Central Europe on top of it. Can you guess who bought up the remaining inventory of Norma 'Oryx' 285 grainers from Able's of Huntsville, TX?
Now, as you probably surmised 9.3x62 is worth next to nothing on 2nd hand market. Am I worried by that fact? Nope!
How do you say it salut boyz, cheers,.....?
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