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Posted By: Bob Beach Historical Note Re: Remington Model 32 - 12/05/07 04:26 PM
I am continuing to photograph and index the A&F and VL&D sales records and thought that this might be of interest to the historical minded. The attached link is to a photo of one of the pages from the sales records of A&F from the February 1932 inventory. This was the first year that Remington offered its new OU, the model 32. Apparently A&F sent a sample Standard model 32 to each of the European gunmakers whose shotguns they imported in large quantities to the USA - Greifelt, Sauer and Francotte. The ones to Germany went out on Oct 11, 1932 and the one to Belgium went out on Oct. 26th. All were returned to A&F in 1933. The wholesale cost code corresponds to $52.36 and the retail price is $82.50 By clicking on the open photo it should expand to a large enough size to make it easily read but you'll have to scroll across.

I'm curious about why they would have been sent. Were the European manufacturers looking for new ideas, comparing reliability to their own since at least Greifelt had been making its own OU since the mid-20's, or perhaps just looking at patent issues since, on the outside, Remington rather closely copied the Patrik? Any thoughts?
Posted By: eightbore Historical Note Re: Remington Model 32 - 12/05/07 05:07 PM
Really neat information, Bob. Your guess is as good as any. Probably some memo accompanied the guns, such as "Here is a new US made over under that should be wildly popular and sell by the tens of thousands. Can you guys turn one of these things out for less than the new FN offering? Of course it would have to be a bit different, but we'll have our attorneys look into it." Of course history is history and Remington probably had a time selling just what was in the warehouse on day one. Personally, I love my 32s and don't understand why they can't be made for a fraction of what Krieghoff charges for them today. The truth is that they probably can be made for much less. Bill Murphy
Have you seen Tikka 512/412, Valmet 412? I have seen one of those Finnish Valmets beautifully scroll-engraved by local US outfit (mid-Atlantic region) for some big Generalissimo. Gorgeous piece, but the dealer wanted several grand for it becuase he had a letter typed on old Smith-Corona or Remington typewriter.
Posted By: eightbore Re: Historical Note Re: Remington Model 32 - 12/06/07 12:17 AM
PJ, Ken Hurst once had a contract to engrave some factory Valmets. I believe he was working in Virginia at the time.
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