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Posted By: GLS Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 10:25 AM
Saw this video on another site and thought some would enjoy it. Don't think it has been posted here, if it has, maybe not recently.
Posted By: KDGJ Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 03:17 PM
Great story. It's nice to know the shotgun was used quite a bit and wasn't a safe queen.

Posted By: Researcher Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 03:53 PM
I visited Ike's farm in the late 1970s and the slot for that Model 21 in the gun rack had a card that said it was "removed for study." In those days the NRA was at 1600 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. in the District and the museum wasn't much.
Posted By: Jtplumb Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 03:54 PM
Thank you for pointing this story out to us.
Absolutely wonderful!
Posted By: skeettx Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 04:16 PM
Long live America
Thank you
Posted By: Drew Hause Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 04:35 PM
President Eisenhower shooting clay targets launched from a Naval escort vessel while cruising the Potomac aboard 'Barbara Anne' with Capt. E.P. Aurand, Sept. 1960

On a quail hunt at the plantation of his first Secretary of Treasury George Humphreys in 1961. Photo appeared in Life Magazine. Low resolution image but the gun looks to be a small bore sidelock?

Posted By: Ted Schefelbein Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 05:36 PM
O/U of some sort. I would guess Ike knew better than to show up at a quail plantation with a 12 gauge.

Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 05:42 PM
Ike was our greatest POTUS of the 20th Century. And the second best WW2 field General, Patton was Number one- and then lesser Generals: Clark, Bradley, and the British FM- Monty- just IMO of course- Patton's favorite bird gun was his Parker CHE 20 bore- not sure if that was the shotgun he had with him on that fateful Dec. day he was to go pheasant hunting with General Gay-- damn shame his untimely ending- always wondered how Patton would have handled the Korean conflict, had he been elected POTUS in 1948- RWTF
Posted By: Shotgunjones Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 07:57 PM
Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
... And the second best WW2 field General... - RWTF

When and where was Eisenhower ever a 'field General' ?
Posted By: eightbore Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 08:48 PM
Foxy, Patton's 20 gauge Parker is a DHE. It visited with me for personal attention last week. The safety was stuck in the safe position because it hadn't been fired since a couple of your hated PGCA members test fired it during the photo shoot for The Parker Story. It is now again in firing condition.
Posted By: GLS Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 10:26 PM
A word about the man who gave him the gun. Robert Woodruff, a Coca Cola bigwig, was of the old school of philanthropy whose generosity in civic and charitable matters was done on the basis of anonymity. Ike would frequently hunt with him on his SW Georgia quail plantation, Ichuaway, which was 36,000 acres. On his death, the land was bequeathed to a foundation for research. At one time, malaria was studied on the premises. It is in an area of the finest Bob White quail habitat and hunting in the US. Gil
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 10:33 PM
Thanks, Eightbore-- Thanks for the correction on the grade- thought I read in one of my Patton Library books that he had a 20 CHE--no biggy, but important detail. "Hated" PGCA members? Whom might that be, pray tell?? I respect you for the information and details that you, Dean Romig, Dave Suponski and other PGCA gents have researched, and shared with those "Parkeristas" and others.

I'm no longer a "Parker Participant", as about 5 years ago, my late good friend and favorite pheasant hunter at Fruitridge Farms, Brad Bachelor, sold my modest collection of "Old Reliables" to private parties unknown to me.

The funds went into trusts for my grandchildren. And as for Smiths- April 2019 closed the sale of my 12 gauge 3E to your pal Stan Hillis, down in Jawja.

Slowly but surely, I have been selling off a few of my "upper bracket" doubleguns, I want my grandchildren to have the advantage of the college education I didn't have--assuming the world is still full of opportunities for them. Happy New Year to you and your Lovely Linda. The very word Linda says it all, in Spanish it means Lovely.. RWTF
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 10:56 PM
Ok,Ok, Ike was Supreme Commander- picked because he was a great man at getting along with the Limeys to get D-Day underway- And the "dummy Army" under Patton that tricked the Krauts (at least Hitler) into thinking that the Pas De Calais was the site of the invasion- not Normandy. But his judgement was flawed twice after D-Day: (1) approving Monty's hair brained plan: "Market Garden"- doomed to fail, almost impossible to co-ordinate airborne, ground and tanker units to a synchronized battle plan- the lack of common radio signals, plus an almost criminal lack of attention to the intel the Dutch underground was sending the Allies-and (2) Ignoring the intel that was out there in the open in Dec 1944- about the pending "Battle Of The Bulge", where, just as with Pearl Harbor, we got caught with our pants down again, this time by the Krauts--

By the by, Patton sensed both those grand Fubars way ahead of Bradley, Clark, Monty et al. Live and learn. RWTF
Posted By: eeb Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/26/20 11:18 PM
About 15 years ago I was in a local guys shop; he made his living building handmade flintlocks but he also did restoration work on the side. Ikes 21 was there for repairs. Apparently someone at the NRA museum dropped it and broke a chip out of the stock. Al fixed it good as before. Just holding Eisenhower’s M21 was a thrill. In addition Robert Woodruff owned a farm once up the road from me. He was chairman of Coca Cola and the family would visit this farm and shoot birds when in season. Sadly a Woodruff son took his own life at this place and it was sold to a local man. This was probably back in the ‘20s or ‘30s.
Posted By: Researcher Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 02:16 AM
Not good, but here is a picture of RWW's CHE .410-bore and Model 42 DeLuxe at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody Firearms Museum, when I was there with the Remington Society Seminar in 2003.

FWIW it was the Buffalo Bill Historical Center back in 2003.

In addition to the DHE 20-gauge General George S. Patton, Jr. also had a pair of CHE Skeet Guns in 28-gauge and .410-bore.
Posted By: Argo44 Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 04:23 AM
I am a military historian of sorts and have posted on this site from the 75th anniversary of the drops on Normandy from the DZ where my father landed.

These three books are the best I've ever read on the personalities of the leaders of the West in Europe in WWII. Read them and understand what Ike had to put up with.

And Le Renaud, A lot of ULTRA intelligence people claim they predicted the Bulge offensive. They did not. There is not one Brit or American G-2 who did.

It's funny, in the late 1950's - early 1960's BBC put on a series that was carried on US TV with Monty lecturing about how great he was and how bad Ike was and how his pencil thrust into Germany would have won the war in 4 months. In 1962 I suggested this argument in a history class at University...I'm ashamed of that now.

As for Ike being a "Field General," he took over in 1944 after Monty began agitating for that position. He ran the Bulge counter-offensive. And Patton "sensed" nothing before the German attach began..but he did sense the emergency and started turning 3rd Army north almost immediately

Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 01:26 PM
I beg to differ, Argo- Patton once said "Accurate Intel" is worth a whole Armored Div. in your back pocket--And Patton may not have sniffed out the Kraut's last ditch attempt to turn the battle for supremacy in the ETO- but his "Ace In The Hole" Colonel Koch did- first clue, besides the crappy weather in Mid Dec 1944, was the obvious lack of radio transmissions by the Krauts--and like his boss, George Patton, Col. Oscar Koch was a student of European Military history- intel from captured prisoners was also a key part of his strategy-- Ike-- he was probably trying to figure out to do with "Monty", after the FUBAR of Market Garden. Foxist/Reynaud/Der Fuchs
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 01:38 PM
Fox did you know you are arguing with a self anOinted war historian.
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 03:20 PM
No, I just thought, like myself, he is a serious WW2 History buff. I have 4 books on Patton, have read and re-read those many times-- a most complex man- spoke fluent French, a student of the classics, married into affluent Boston Back Bay old money, Beatrice indulged his every whim- horses, a yacht, and possibly his Parkers. One fact remains: in spite of his Sicilian "slapping soldiers" in medic tents, he lead from the front, like Rommel, and no General in the ETO had logged the hours he spent visiting his wounded men, and personally gave the Purple Hearts, instead of delegating that duty to a field grade officer- thanks for the feedback, however- RWTF
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 06:09 PM
Originally Posted By: Argo44
I am a military historian.

Guess you missed it....
Posted By: Run With The Fox Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/27/20 10:58 PM
No- I read it "Charlie Lima" and I would like to think I am open minded enough to read and respect another gentleman's point of view. One great thing, among many, about being a student of history (no matter what topic or era is being discussed) is there is a fair amount of "give and take" in our interpretation of past events, with the caveat that we weren't there when they occurred. Happy New Year, Joseph- RWTF
Posted By: OldMaineWoodsman Re: Ike's Model 21 - 12/28/20 06:23 PM
For those interested, Eisenhower's Model 21 is currently on display at the NRA National Sporting Arms Museum within the Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, Missouri.
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