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Posted By: LouM OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/21/07 05:29 PM
Anyone know about DuBiel Arms bolt actions? A good name? How exotic are they? My Blue Book leads me to believe they aren't in production any more. How "up-a-creek" would I be if I needed action work done?
Thanks, Lou
Posted By: SKB Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/21/07 06:20 PM
Good stuff...Mr. Petrov should be along soon.
Posted By: Michael Petrov Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/21/07 10:43 PM
There were two Dubiles Father John pre-war and son Joe post-war. The post war Dubiel actions are five lug ones made in Sherman, TX. Joe died several years ago and I don't think the company is around anymore. I spent one day with Joe and looked over his shop and tooling at Sherman but know little about the modern Dubiel. I'm right in the middle of working on an article about John who used the Mauser action so if you have questions about him I might be able to help.

Posted By: Bill Meyer Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/21/07 11:31 PM
I went down to Sherman Texas about 30 years ago. Joe showed me around the place. He and a silent pardner (a doctor as I recall)
had bought the remains of the Texas Magnum rifle makers which were in Gainsville Texas. They were using the same basic action with a few modifications. Joe had a safe full of goodies, stuff that his father had started, some completed work. A double shotgun action, looked plenty strong enough for a double rifle. Wonder what happened to all that stuff and the machinery that they had? Bill Meyer
Posted By: Michael Petrov Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/21/07 11:59 PM

When I was there both the business and Joe’s health were in decline. The business was closed at the time and I believe there was a law suite or something going on as well. Many of the older rifles that were at the shop (when I was there) belonged to a fellow I knew (know) who lived in OK and they were showing signs of neglect. One rifle from that collection I have and I know where his fathers double (a 20-gauge Hoffman) is but beyond that I have no idea what happened to the shop and the contents.
Posted By: James M Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 12:05 AM
If memory serves me correctly Elmer Keith was a big fan of Dubiel rifles. He may have done some writeups on these in the past in one of the gun publications but I don't know this for sure.
Posted By: mc Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 12:20 AM
i have a dubiel stocked hoffman. it is absolutly wonderful.i would love one of his rifles m.c.
Posted By: Don Moody Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 01:34 AM
Joe DuBiel was a good friend of mine. When he managed Ranger Arms for Homer Koon(another good friend) here in Gainesville, TX., I was in the shop on a weekly basis. I got the first Ranger Arms rifle that they produced for the general public. Joe hunted doves with me for several years at my farm. He was a great guy, but a little strange at the same time. He did not suffer fools well.
When he moved to Sherman, I would go by and visit with him each time I was over that way.

Mr Meyer, I don't believe they bought the remainder of Ranger Arms. I know the man who did buy it and he moved production to Houston before closing the doors. He still has the serial records for the Ranger rifles.
The DuBiel rifle were very nice, but the ever expensive for the time and not many were made.
There were only about 3500 Ranger Arms rifles made.
Posted By: Michael Petrov Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 02:06 AM
Originally Posted By: italiansxs
If memory serves me correctly Elmer Keith was a big fan of Dubiel rifles. He may have done some writeups on these in the past in one of the gun publications but I don't know this for sure.

Elmer Keith and John Dubiel were friends and he did write up Dubiel rifles in the American Rifleman. I have a large stack of letters between John Dubiel and Elmer Keith,from the 1930's, some interesting reading.
Posted By: Michael Petrov Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 02:08 AM
Originally Posted By: mc
i have a dubiel stocked hoffman. it is absolutly wonderful.i would love one of his rifles m.c.

Did I see your shotgun in Vegas, if so it's a nice one. You will have better luck finding another Hoffman Rifle stocked by John Dubiel than one of his rifles after he left Hoffman. To date I've only cataloged about a dozen or so 'Dubiel" marked ones.
Posted By: LouM Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 04:55 AM
Great information all. Thanks. But am I in for a royal ($$$) headache if I want to replace a trigger, or a firing pin?
I was surprised, but there is a Wikipedia entry for DuBiel Arms.
Posted By: mc Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 06:57 AM
yes you did.and thank you for all the
Posted By: Ken Nelson Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 01:28 PM

Posted By: LouM Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 02:48 PM
That item is the reason I was asking.
Posted By: Recoil Rob Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 04:07 PM
Is this one they never got around to checkering or was it intentionally left smooth?
Posted By: Ken Nelson Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 04:12 PM

I had an opportunity to buy a couple of the later DuBiel rifles. They were in calibers that I wasn't too interested in at the time so I passed.The workmanship on both was excellent and they were priced similar to the gun your looking at. I don't think that reliability would be an issue.

Posted By: Craig Havener Re: OT - DuBiel bolt action quality? - 06/22/07 07:40 PM
Back in the 70s, Joes partner, the doctor had just bought a restrant in Dennison, the old train station, and had DUBIEL rifles displayed all over the place. They relly turned out some beautuful work. As I remember the food was great, but the rifles stole the show!

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