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Posted By: Woodsbum Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 02:28 PM
Greetings all. This is more or less a request for help, in the form of photos, diagrams, or in a perfect world, parts. I have an Ithaca Crass Ejector gun, that is missing the parts in the barrel lump that make up the ejector. I am hoping that someone out there has the same gun and would be kind enough to take photos of their complete mechanism, either assembled or disassembled, such that I may be able to make up the correct parts. From my research so far, there appears to have been more than one version of the ejector, and I have yet to come up with photos or diagrams/patents of the version in this gun. Photos to follow. Any advise is greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance.

Posted By: Stallones Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 02:44 PM
I have a lot of Crass parts and will check for you

Send me your cell phone for a texted picture of the parts or e mail to
Posted By: B. Dudley Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 04:36 PM
I cannot say that I am very familiar with crass ejector guns, but your gun looks like an extractor gun that has had it’s barrel lug modified.

Or were crass ejector systems wholely housed in the barrel breech?
Posted By: skeettx Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 05:12 PM
Welcome on your first posting smile

Do you have access to "The Ithaca Gun Company from the beginning" by W.C. Snyder, second edition.
Posted By: Woodsbum Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 07:01 PM
B.Dudley- from what I can see with this gun- yes it appears that they were, or at least in this gun they were.

skeettx - Thanks for the heads up, have checked all the normal parts sources for ejector parts, without much luck. Started to call all the 'other' parts sources as well, including the Ithaca specialist in Ithaca NY and others. All coming up empty. Can't see the photos in the Parker gun thread, but if it is the same as an old archived thread, then I have seen this thread as well. I do not have access to the book, unfortunately, and from what I can see it is quite expensive. I have yet to see an ejector Crass, or any Crass that looks like this one honestly. They all look like this:
Posted By: skeettx Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 07:32 PM
The forend does not have the split ejector hammers??
I find the pictures difficult to interpret.
Is there an empty hole or is something in the hole?


wonder if this is still available for parts??
Posted By: John E Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 10:29 PM

The ejector mechanism is totally contained in the barrel lugs and the frame. Hopefully the pictures I have will show you what you need. The extra screw in the frame normally identifies an ejector model on the Crass & Lewis models.

More to follow,

Posted By: John E Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/25/18 10:37 PM
More pics,

The parts are quite fragile and ejection is weak.

I am not brave enough to hear it down on short notice. I have three Ithaca doubles apart on the bench now and too many apart at once gets me nervous.

Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/26/18 12:05 AM
Originally Posted By: JohnE
I am not brave enough to hear it down on short notice. I have three Ithaca doubles apart on the bench now and too many apart at once gets me nervous.


Cell phone cameras are your friend, for this type thing.

Best, SRH
Posted By: Woodsbum Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 07/26/18 11:52 AM
John- Fantastic! Thanks for the photos. This looks like the same mechanism that I have. I understand regarding disassembly, and will eagerly await a time when you can pull the system apart, and take photos of the individual parts. Thank you!
Posted By: Woodsbum Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 08/31/18 11:47 AM
John- Does your gun fire the ejectors every time you open the gun? Is there a single cocking lever piece or two? Playing around trying to devise a system.
Posted By: John E Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 08/31/18 01:37 PM
Joel, I am away until after the weekend. I will contact you when I return.

Posted By: John E Re: Ithaca Crass Ejector Help - 09/25/18 10:47 PM
Joel, check your PM's.
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