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Posted By: liverwort Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 06:36 AM
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 11:21 AM
They can go to hell.
Posted By: RARiddell Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 11:30 AM
So it begins!
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 12:18 PM
The Republicans are licking their chops for the 2018 election.
Posted By: eeb Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 12:59 PM
Based on the president’s seeming willingness to circumvent due process, he might be in favor of this.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 01:11 PM
Posted By: Buzz Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 01:18 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
I hope you are right, George.
Posted By: Mills Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 02:27 PM
Good grief
Posted By: craigd Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 02:52 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern

I'm positive Geo is right. It really doesn't matter whats in the bill, I'd just read who the sponsors are. By now, I would know that if he thought it was a good idea, our President would say so. Instead, he tweeted about having a great meeting with the NRA. He's teaching us that we don't have to retreat if progressives label something to be toxic and signals to the nation and world where his loyalties are.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 03:24 PM
DOA because we voted right November before last. Now lets do it again this coming November...Geo
Posted By: 2-piper Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 04:46 PM
Did anyone see where the activist group "Indecline" changed a sign in Las Vegas. It had read "Shoot a .50 Caliber Only $29".
A video which the group themselves sent to a TV station showed two people in dark clothing & wearing what appeared to be wool masks scaling the billboard & changing the sign.

I think that a lot of people need to get there heads on straight. The shooter in Vegas was said to have fired more than 1,000 rounds of ammo from an "Assault" rife/rifles.

"IF" I cold not take a standard M1 Garand rifle with issue 8 round clips which would have to reloaded after each clip & firing into that large of a defenseless crowd & not kill many more than that I would count my self a total failure.

"Arm" these "Assassins" with full automatics. The Vast majority of them do not know how to control them & the faster the gun fires the fewer hits they can make.
Posted By: Der Ami Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 04:48 PM
According to "Heller", Second Amendment rights include guns in common use. How can so many guns on their list not be in common use?
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 06:16 PM
Interesting observation, miller. I can't remember if I read of or saw Sergeant York in a movie. What separated him from many infantrymen was his ability to shoot in action as he was trained, aiming carefully and methodically, not common in warfare. Maybe Audie Murphy was cut from the same cloth. Infantrymen of great distinction were marksmen, not blowing it off.
Posted By: ed good Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 06:19 PM
this will die a quite death...
Posted By: DAM16SXS Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 06:32 PM
Hmmm... Parker side-by-side shotguns with composite barrels don't appear on the Exempted list... what does this mean??
Posted By: Chukarman Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 06:43 PM
This ought to boost sales substantially.
Posted By: wyobirds Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 07:53 PM
I've always assumed that assault rifles were fully automatic weapons used by the military and not semi auto rifles, but I'm not the media.

Semi-automatic rifles were first produced in 1885 and today there are 72 new models available, which are often and erroneously identified by the media as AR-15’s. Tens of thousands of used semi-automatic rifles are currently on the market.

How will HR5087 effect the used market?
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 08:12 PM
Originally Posted By: wyobirds
I've always assumed that assault rifles were fully automatic weapons used by the military and not semi auto rifles, but I'm not the media.

Semi-automatic rifles were first produced in 1885 and today there are 72 new models available, which are often and erroneously identified by the media as AR-15’s. Tens of thousands of used semi-automatic rifles are currently on the market.

How will HR5087 effect the used market?

Went to get some 2&1/4 SG shot shells for my police shotgun. The salesman said the sales for AR-15s are up already. If this continues it will be good for guys who sank money into assault-style rifles right before last presidential election.
Posted By: Remington40x Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 08:21 PM
Time for me to sell my M1A.
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 08:31 PM
Originally Posted By: Remington40x
Time for me to sell my M1A.

The Springfield Armory SOCOM 16 CQB is very practical rifle to have especially if fella only desires to have one rifle. It can be used as survival gun for hunting, offensive and defensive use. Frankly I can't think of more universal piece to have. Many don't like them because they are heavy, but it's chambered for 7.62x51 which is much more useful than 5,45x39, 7.62x39 or .556.
Posted By: 2-piper Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 08:33 PM
According to one report I saw on Sargent York several Germans were charging down a hill toward him. Using his 1911 .45 ACP he picked all of them off. He started with the last one in line, the others thinking he was missing kept coming to meet their death.

Much has been made about York being denied his request as a conscientious Objector. He was initially denied this & sent to boot camp. This denial was later rescinded & he was granted conscientious objector status. In the interim his Sargent had talked with him & he turned it down. He had been convinced it was his Duty as a Christian to defend his country against Evil, which he did so with Vigor. I whole heartedly agree with his final choice & am proud to claim him as a fellow Tennessean.
Posted By: Buzz Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 09:37 PM
Miller: I visited Sergeant York’s home place in Pall Mall, TN a couple years ago while fishing at Dale Hollow Lake. He was quite a man. I enjoyed seeing his place and visiting his grave. The poor man had a stroke in old age that was very debilitating for him.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/02/18 10:02 PM
I've interviewed hundreds of infantrymen, and what impressed me most was the way they saw their duty and did it, particularly the resourceful country boys armed with strong family values, often thinking how much I'd like to meet their parents.
Posted By: 2-piper Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 12:29 AM
That is exactly why so many of us from the USA so highly value our 2nd amendment which guarantees us the right to keep & Bear arms. The 2nd amendment was "NOT" written for the benefit of hunters & target shooters. It was meant that we could have arms suitable for "Going to War", thus the reason for the word "Militia" which is so drastically mis-interpreted by the libral ANTI media.

I of course did not personally hear it, but have read that the Emperor of Japan during WWII made the statement he would not be foolish enough to send troops to invade the US as there would be a rifleman behind every blade of grass.
Posted By: old colonel Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 02:18 AM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern

Concur, DOA, if one bothers to look, bills like this get generated about every session

That said, continued vigilance and activity on the part of gun owners remains critical
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 02:22 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I've interviewed hundreds of infantrymen, and what impressed me most was the way they saw their duty and did it, particularly the resourceful country boys armed with strong family values, often thinking how much I'd like to meet their parents.

If law inforcement had did their duty in Florida we wouldn't be talking about this AR crap...
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 07:30 AM
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: King Brown
I've interviewed hundreds of infantrymen, and what impressed me most was the way they saw their duty and did it, particularly the resourceful country boys armed with strong family values, often thinking how much I'd like to meet their parents.

If law inforcement had did their duty in Florida we wouldn't be talking about this AR crap...

This type of duty requires CQB training along with experience. It's sort of like hunting wounded dangerous game in Africa only it's more dangerous and stressful.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 11:36 AM
If a LEO is going to be toting a gun he should be trained in what to do with it --- period. If he fails to measure up in a moment of crisis he should be held accountable.

Security guards at the nuclear power plant near me are in constant training, from what I'm told. They have sophisticated training simulators, and must make decisions on the spur of the moment whether or not to shoot.

Are our kids not are worth just as much?

Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 01:52 PM
Vigilance for sure, miller. But the Second or constitutions or anything else won't give us the societies we want by themselves---that is, without the blessing and spirited support of the people. Even then, because we are human, we make colossal mistakes in intelligence gathering, military planning and safety preparations for natural disasters. Nothing is safe and certain. The only gun law moving in the right direction anywhere that I remember is Canada's quiet and uncontentious removal of long gun registration, which followed the Montreal Massacre.
Posted By: craigd Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 03:06 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....the Second or constitutions or anything else won't give us the societies we want by themselves---that is, without the blessing and spirited support of the people....

....The only gun law moving in the right direction anywhere that I remember is Canada's quiet and uncontentious removal of long gun registration....

The US Constitution does give us the society that's perfect for the US that is a nation of laws. It is the spirit progressives who bless us with secular ideology that wreck our laws by selective enforcement and appoint activists to the bench. In other words, two of the three branches of our government have been corrupted against the laws established by the will of people through their representatives in the legislative branch. I thought you knew that?

I'm sure you're aware of it, but to save children and protect minorities and immigrants, or some such like that, the US passed the 'Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994'. There was a subsection of that law, the 'Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act' that was allowed to sunset after ten years in a quiet and uncontentious manner because an objective look at it revealed that it was a completely ineffective knee jerk emotional attachment to the law. It was clearly a move in the right direction for any law, and by luck, it sunset at a time when court activist judges weren't imposing their individual unilateral feelings on law abiding citizen in quite as bold a manner.

Today? We were a gnats eyelash away from having a hillery tilted Supreme Court upholding a lower court blocking of the sunset. I thought you knew that?
Posted By: 2-piper Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 03:43 PM
King Does Indeed know that. He is too well known on this board to hide his true Anti feeling toward our constitution.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 08:51 PM
craig, the board knows my position on the Second. It's a national, enduring debate, observed in thousands of jurisdictions in similar and different ways. Some members see it the same way and some don't but that doesn't make them less or more as citizens. Some see background and bump as anti-gun, unconstitutional, but none here say its most powerful proponent is anti-gun. Canada similarly doesn't want firearms concealed or not in public spaces but that doesn't make it anti-gun. Your president wanting changes because "something has to be done" doesn't make him anti-gun. If it does, have members said so here? If not, why not?

Reminds of the old saying in car racing circles: "When the green flag drops, the bullshit stops."

Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 09:14 PM
Sorry King, but everything you mentioned in that post is anti-gun, albeit not necessarily in contravention of our Constitution...Geo
Posted By: craigd Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/03/18 10:05 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Reminds of the old saying in car racing circles: "When the green flag drops, the bullshit stops."

The folks that win the races don't just have the biggest attachments, they also win the mental game. You haven't been trying a little psuedo decorum, rope-a-dope, bs(?) to lobby for anything, have you?
Posted By: mc Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/04/18 05:43 AM
King,the government couldn't protect the teachers and students at the school in the knee jerk solution is to disarm, or make it more difficult for people not responsible for the failure, to protect themselves or others,at 18 you can vote and go into the military,
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/04/18 04:57 PM
Your post exemplifies what true friendship is, a place of expression of a wide range of ideas, harsh truths, some with an edge of social purpose, some not, some even a little crazy, no apologies needed.

In this case, you may have read my words differently because we're survivors of different experiences. We may have different notions of logic, a regulation of words if not used clearly and precisely can prove everything.

What was normal for the South when I was covering it left others in your country and world thinking hell was an improvement. Condy Rice professing support for the Second today said guns were needed to protect her communities from the white night riders. But thumbs down on assault weapons.

Your earlier comment that you respected the office of the president when the world was bug-eyed with what was coming out of Washington was interesting to me. I took it to mean your respect for your country's great institutions. I didn't follow-up because to me it could have been seen as bullying.

So words mean something. What you read as anti-gun in my post was antithetical to the careful regulation of my words and meaning (to keep the political out of it) because I don't think anti-gun, talk anti-gun in any way that my words could be construed north of the border.

I can't take back what I said about the Second as an enduring debate. It's part of America's historical record.
Posted By: GaryW Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/04/18 06:59 PM
This crap won't even make it out of the House.....
At any rate, I hope the dem/libs take note of the mistletoe attached to the back of my jeans.
Posted By: craigd Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/04/18 08:07 PM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....What was normal for the South when I was covering it left others in your country and world thinking hell was an improvement....

...So words mean something....

....the careful regulation of my words and meaning (to keep the political out of it) because I don't think anti-gun, talk anti-gun in any way that my words could be construed north of the border.

I can't take back what I said about the Second as an enduring debate. It's part of America's historical record.

Lot's of friendly food for thought, thanks King.

I can see the importance of the historical record, and how that record influences the enduring debate. When you had an opportunity to 'cover' the South, fabricate part of America's historical record, why was it painted with the broad brush of being worse than hell?

I usually quote them, but for being so non political, you tend to attribute negative emotional adjectives to the pro side of the uniquely US situation. What if you substituted, sparkles, or smilie faces, or spring has sprung, instead of white night riders, or bullying, or gratuitously interjecting the notion of surviving, would your thought have less of a political and ideological impact? Since Florida will charge, try and convict a fourteen year old as an adult, will you join me in calling for a, let's say bright and sunny, lowering of the age to purchase a long gun in that state that reflects an authoritative and reasoned determination of competence by a coequal branch of government?
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/04/18 10:43 PM
Whoa, craig. Ease up. No need to fabricate. It was familiar nightly TV fare around the world. The South's finger to the Constitution wasn't a broad brush that brought in the 101st and 82nd to enforce the law, it was the daily narrow-brush violence against human values that forced Washington to act, as everyone knows here. All the talk of mental health, ages is a dodge. The president rightly says something has to be done and he says he will start with bumps and rigorous paperwork to limit access.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/05/18 12:44 AM
Originally Posted By: King Brown
...The president rightly says something has to be done and he says he will start with bumps and rigorous paperwork to limit access.

I don't think he will. I think the President will keep 2nd amendment waters roiled until the mid-term elections and let the progressive 'tidal wave' hit the reef of the American vote and let that decide the issue of what he should do. The people will decide this one. I still say DOA...Geo

And I think it is important enough to send some more money to the NRA to help see that our side of the debate is heard.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/05/18 02:05 AM
We agree, geo, on 2nd Amendment waters roiled!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: Assault Weapons Ban 2018 HR5087 - 03/05/18 12:06 PM
You're full of crap kingfish
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