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Posted By: Lloyd3 off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/24/17 09:14 PM
I just heard some interesting scuttlebutt about the inauguration last week and the current location(s) of the former first family from a gentleman that has far-deeper and more numerous connections into the military and intelligence community than I will ever hope to have. He tells me that there will never be any photographs published of the crowd at Obama's farewell flight in Executive One from the Capitol steps because.... as he flew away, a very significant portion of the crowd was flying something else as well. Sometimes with both hands. Can anybody here confirm or deny that report?

Also, he went on to tell me that the former First Lady has now departed Palm Springs for the Caribbean with both daughters, leaving the former Commander-in Chief to now vacation alone with his two exceedingly wealthy and openly-gay hosts. Not sure what to read into all of that?
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/24/17 09:31 PM
Just not worth worrying about. There'll be tell all's coming out both truthful and agenda driven to both sanctify and defile his memory as our country's 1st experiment with a black president. I say he was just the wrong one INHMO. Let it go...Geo
Posted By: RARiddell Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/24/17 09:46 PM
Here, here, let it go, we got more exciting times ahead, and like my wife always says (when shes in the wrong) why you livin in the past!
Posted By: cpa Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/24/17 10:46 PM
Definitely not worth thinking about. Also, according to news reports, they both left monday for the BVI.
Posted By: Lloyd3 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/24/17 11:22 PM
Posted By: Tom C Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/24/17 11:30 PM
Alternative facts
This could be something that the Democrats made up, oh no he was a Democrat. Who cares he is gone now and in my opinion forgotten.
Posted By: KY Jon Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/25/17 03:09 AM
I do not care where he/they go as long as they stay there. If I never see hear or read about them again I will be happy. You know what I mean.
Posted By: old colonel Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/25/17 02:47 PM
Who cares, as long as he is silent, though that is not likely to last?

The less I think about the last group and more we focus forward on fixing the things that can be fixed the better.
Posted By: canvasback Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/25/17 03:30 PM
Well, I hate to buck the trend but I would like to hear more about the last group.

I'd like to hear about the criminal prosecutions of Hillary, Holder, the people at the IRS and anyone else from the senior levels of the Obama administration who knowingly broke the law for personal gain or to advance their political agenda.

I don't think it's enough to let them slink off into the dark.
I love alternative facts! Just for the record - this is real fact

have another day
Posted By: eugene molloy Re: off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/25/17 08:58 PM
Also, he went on to tell me that the former First Lady has now departed Palm Springs for the Caribbean with both daughters, leaving the former Commander-in Chief to now vacation alone with his two exceedingly wealthy and openly-gay hosts. Not sure what to read into all of that?
I read into it that your mate is talking through his jam roll.

Mr and Mrs Obama plus their children are staying at Richard Bransons pad on Necker as reported in todays "Times" with pics of them at the airport shaking hands with the staff.... as per.

Posted By: old colonel Re: off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/25/17 10:50 PM
I thought the Former President got a house in DC so his daughter could finish private school at Sidwell Friends, funny how much school they can miss and still graduate. ( just a ridiculous comment)
Posted By: Lloyd3 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/25/17 11:35 PM
Yeah, I saw that yesterday. Any way to get them to stay down there?
Posted By: RHD45 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/26/17 12:03 AM
Nothing can top the nude pictures of Obama's mother. She must have driven her parents to distraction.
Posted By: pooch Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/26/17 12:22 AM
Melania has to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

Posted By: treblig1958 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/26/17 01:33 AM
Originally Posted By: pooch
Melania has to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

I agree there. She's also very intelligent.
Posted By: AmarilloMike Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/28/17 08:43 PM
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
I love alternative facts! Just for the record - this is real fact

have another day

I have it from a highly placed source in the DNC that GQ possesses nude pictures of Bill Clinton and that they were going to run them if he became the First Gentlemen.
Posted By: Ken61 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/28/17 09:08 PM
Very nice pictures.

I just had a disturbing and terrifying vision. I briefly imagined Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton in the same poses. Happily it passed very quickly, especially since I've just finished lunch.

Posted By: treblig1958 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 02:41 AM
Originally Posted By: Wonko the Sane
I love alternative facts! Just for the record - this is real fact

have another day

So what, she was young and very beautiful, give her a break.
Posted By: pooch Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 03:13 AM
She is still beautiful, but the dimocrats will find some about her to complain about
Posted By: keith Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 10:03 AM
Originally Posted By: pooch
She is still beautiful, but the dimocrats will find some about her to complain about

Dimocrat! Yes, that would accurately describe Dr. Wanker, a.k.a. Wonko the Sane, who has reliably managed to find the time to repeatedly denigrate pro-gun-rights politicians. But after doing that same thing over and over, I will not be at all surprised to see him return to say that I'm stupid and don't know anything about his political views. But he'd say that even if we had pictures of him swooning over the candidate at a Hillary Clinton rally, or driving a Prius with an Obama bumper sticker.
Posted By: pooch Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 10:07 AM
A beautiful woman has been venerated in art and in literature for as long as we have records of civilizations. Why now is it suddenly bad?
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 12:18 PM
Originally Posted By: canvasback
Well, I hate to buck the trend but I would like to hear more about the last group.

I'd like to hear about the criminal prosecutions of Hillary, Holder, the people at the IRS and anyone else from the senior levels of the Obama administration who knowingly broke the law for personal gain or to advance their political agenda.

I don't think it's enough to let them slink off into the dark.

Same here...
Posted By: pooch Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 02:36 PM
Posted By: keith Re: off topic...and mildly salacious - 01/29/17 02:51 PM

Posted By: treblig1958 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 07:34 PM
Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: pooch
She is still beautiful, but the dimocrats will find some about her to complain about

Dimocrat! Yes, that would accurately describe Dr. Wanker, a.k.a. Wonko the Sane, who has reliably managed to find the time to repeatedly denigrate pro-gun-rights politicians. But after doing that same thing over and over, I will not be at all surprised to see him return to say that I'm stupid and don't know anything about his political views. But he'd say that even if we had pictures of him swooning over the candidate at a Hillary Clinton rally, or driving a Prius with an Obama bumper sticker.

When she was younger she was obviously very beautiful and apparently a little on the wild side. We don't have to keep rubbing her nose in it do we?

Yet, when the liberal democrats lose they act like children and their vindictiveness knows no bounds and have to be told by adults when their comments are inappropriate. Similar to 3 year olds banging their plastic hammer against the wall, mother has to tell him when to stop as they know no self control.
Posted By: keith Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 08:01 PM
I have to disagree with part of that statement treblig1958. You said she WAS obviously beautiful when she was younger.

I say she WAS and STILL IS very beautiful. I think she'll bring some dignity back to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. If a semi-nude photo from her 20's is the worst dirt Dr. Wanker can dredge up on her, I think we're in pretty good shape compared to either Barack Obama or Bill Clinton's brides.
Posted By: treblig1958 Re: off topic...and mildly salacious . - 01/29/17 08:03 PM
I stand corrected Keith, and yes she is, then and now. smile
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