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Posted By: wyobirds behavior? - 05/17/16 01:17 PM
What chaps my hide about this forum is someone posts an honest reasonable question and too frequently in my view, subsequent posters turn the subject to displays of childish ego, rude behavior and insults. I can assure you that no man has ever looked me in the eye and insulted me the way some of you insult each other. In my opinion there are many people on this forum who have gifts to share and those gifts would be much more enjoyable if you wrote your responses as if you were face to face with the members of this forum. It is my understanding that new topics should contain a question and mind is directed to those who find it necesary to insult each other. Do you insult your friends, strangers and associates as you do the members of this forum?
Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 01:31 PM
FWIW, One thing I have found is that there are vast differences in what is considered tolerable/acceptable public exchange culturally and geographically.

An example can be found in forensics debate tactics applied in the east vs the midwest. Whole nother game.

Moderating tends to homogenize the discourse.

The best strategy I have found is to just ignore posts based on the name on the left of it. It lowers the nausea considerably.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 01:42 PM
The ignore function on this forum is it's greatest attribute...Geo
Posted By: King Brown Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 02:15 PM
I don't know if it's as much regional behaviour as reflection of a country in nervous breakdown. Cool members keep their heads. A few anonymous others in temper tantrums call for attention to themselves in their political sandboxes
Posted By: Fin2Feather Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 02:23 PM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
The ignore function on this forum is it's greatest attribute...Geo

You nailed it Geo. I've noticed many threads have become shorter and much more enjoyable since I've employed that function.
Posted By: old colonel Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 03:06 PM
I have never used the ignore function, though I have been tempted. I see it as rude in cutting people off, but it might be better than extreme irritation.

The baseline of this thread is correct, many here err both in manners and discussion.

I argue for the simple approach, stick to the point in discussion, attack ideas if necessary on their merits and avoid personal attacks.

I try to live by that and have at times failed to see that something I typed could be read in a way other than I meant. I am always prepared to back step and apologize should I do wrong. And or clarify better what was meant.

Manners, Etiquette, are important to a civil society as is honesty in thought and word. It is erroneous to assume a disagreement of fact is a question of character. If one sees misinformation (falsehood) identify and restate what is believed to be fact.

We are all bound by a love a doubleguns. That bond and simple manners are to everyone's advantage

Posted By: craigd Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 03:14 PM
Originally Posted By: wyobirds
....I can assure you that no man has ever looked me in the eye and insulted me the way some of you insult each other. In my opinion there are many people on this forum who have gifts to share and those gifts would be much more enjoyable if you wrote your responses as if you were face to face with the members of this forum....

Not all gifts are equal. Exchanging superficial pleasantries face to face really doesn't translate to some higher level. I think the accounts here of forum folks meeting up beyond the computer have a good bit to do with compatibility clues, and less to do with being a double gun encyclopedia.
Posted By: ed good Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 03:21 PM
Posted By: keith Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 03:42 PM
What chaps my hide is when I put a few direct anti-gun quotes which someone made into a post, and the same few supporters of the Liberal Left Democrats who work tirelessly to separate us from our guns rise up in mock indignation. Then they get their panties all bunched up and bother Dave with demands that he remove them or lock a thread. But they don't do the same thing when one of their like-minded peers puts up a thread like this one which has absolutely nothing to do with advancing the knowledge and appreciation of double guns. Let me demonstrate:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The Court departed from the original understanding of the Second. The NRA and other groups rejected the original interpretation. Even as late as 1991, the jurist Burger appointed by Nixon said "the Second Amendment has been the subject of one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word 'fraud,' on the American public by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime." In 2008, in the District of Columbia v. Heller, what Burger said was fraud was accepted by the court. Interesting stuff.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ed, historically the individual "right" to bear arms is relatively new. I believe John Ashcroft in 2002 became the first federal attorney-general to proclaim that individuals should be able to own guns. The Supreme Court in 2008 overturned all mainstream legal and historical scholarship by ruling that there is an individual right to own firearms although with some limits. Obama said it again last week.

I believe that during the previous 218 years the Second meant what it said: firearms shall be held by "the People"---a collective and not individual right---insofar they are in the service of "a well-regulated militia." Was an individual right even mentioned at the Constitutional Convention or in the House when it ratified the Amendment or when debated in state legislatures? I don't think so.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dave, Dave, Dave: you're like those fundamentalists who claim Jesus walked with the dinosaurs. There was no NRA at time of the Founding Fathers. The change was recent to what the Second is today. You acknowledge as "infringements" all those jurisdictions making the Second what they want it to be. But still the law.

Whether Americans carry because they can or have to is not the issue. They democratically make decisions on how they want to live. Their homicide record is not edifying among modern societies. It is a violent country.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

I am typically pretty direct and straightforward. What passes for civility here is quite often hypocrisy laced with thinly veiled insults hurled by someone who thinks that they are above the fray by not naming names... as King has done here in his post. Dishonesty is not civility. Some are astute enough to see right through it:

Originally Posted By: Ken61
I think many here don't recognize King's penchant for Passive-Aggressive communication, and mistake it for some degree of decorum. He he is able to convey unreasonable concepts in a usually reasonable manner. That's the essence of attempted sociopathic indoctrination and manipulation.

Others see right through straight faced denial of their own words:

Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....He promised a day or so ago he was holding back some juicy quotes to prove I'm anti-gun, a common ploy of persons on the margins looking for attention....

Proof? Apparently, the only legal evidence that you're pro gun is that you used to dive in frigid storm driven waters for lost guns. Note the past tense. Seems your position has evolved, ergo, now you're anti gun.

Another totally Off-Topic Thread... another door opens where anything goes! Let's end this with an I.Q. test:

Posted By: Jagermeister Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:31 PM
The wealthy & well connected can get away w/o many provisions. Large government, social programs like social security, livable wages, firearms for personal defense,...... If problems arise they can hire team of lawyers, security detail,......
Posted By: gunsaholic Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:31 PM
I don't usually get involved with insults or name calling etc but I must say that this forum has changed quite a bit since I joined in 2011. It is getting harder to find threads that stay on topic. Just when you think there is a worthwhile thread started, it seems by the time the second page is started the insults begin that have nothing to do with the topic. I know ,if I don't like it don't bother reading the threads or coming on the forum but, usually they start out fine. It's once you get into them that all the unnecessary garbage is discovered. I guess there is the ignore function but that would exclude several members who do have a lot to contribute when they aren't slinging insults.
Posted By: builder Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:36 PM
Would someone explain to me how to use the ignore feature? I would like to use it.
Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:46 PM
Originally Posted By: builder
Would someone explain to me how to use the ignore feature? I would like to use it.

If you wish to no longer see a member's posts, simply click on the member's name at the left of the post and choose "Profile", then choose ignore from the choices at the middle of the page...Geo
Posted By: ed good Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:47 PM
well, bill, it appears you take issue with some of king's posts here...if so, please do take it up with king via pm if you like...but please do not burden us here...

this thread is about behavior and not gun rights...
Posted By: Jagermeister Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:50 PM
This forum originating in USA it would be best if people shared knowledge about SxS weapons and other classic firearms w/o attacking others because have certain political leaning and beliefs. Personally I'm not going to hold something against someone because person is conservative, liberal, Republican, Democrat, Independent, Christian, Jew, Muslim, ...... homosexual,........If one goes to THR, for example when guy from Turkey or Pakistan asks question about firearm members help them by answering question politics and religion do not come into play.
Posted By: ed good Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 04:52 PM
oh, and so long as we are quoting king, here is one of my favorites:

"Measuring character by a person's politics is silly. What diminishes DoubleGun are those who use it to promote a political party: you're pro-gun if you vote one way and anti-gun if you vote the other---as if our sole abiding interest is guns.

Family and friendship, harmonious and productive relationships, high standards of human values, pursuit of happiness without intruding carelessly on the happiness of others are worth more than any gun to me. Guns fit nicely but they're not everything."
Posted By: keith Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 06:48 PM
Originally Posted By: ed good
oh, and so long as we are quoting king, here is one of my favorites:

"Measuring character by a person's politics is silly. What diminishes DoubleGun are those who use it to promote a political party: you're pro-gun if you vote one way and anti-gun if you vote the other---as if our sole abiding interest is guns.

Is this the same King Brown who repeatedly measured the character of Conservatives and Republicans by labeling them as hate-mongering racists, misogynists, mean spirited, hateful, and spiteful? Is this the same King Brown who repeatedly said that "Conservatism is an euphemism for selfishness."? Is this the same King Brown who frequently tarred Mitt Romney as a woman hater for his "women in binders" statement while totally ignoring the abuse of women by the extreme anti-gunners Bill Clinton or Teddy Kennedy?

As I said earlier, Dishonesty is not civility.

What Ed the anti-gun troll, and others are saying here is that it's OK to use DoubleGun forum to promote the extreme Liberal Left politics that have brought us the vast majority of anti-gun and anti-hunting legislation in this country and the world. But anyone who points that out is trashing this fine font of Double Gun knowledge, or taking up precious bits, bytes, or pixels. It's not at all surprising to see Ed so frequently supporting King since they are birds of a feather concerning our Gun Rights:

Originally Posted By: ed good
some of youse are constantly whining here about the loss of your gun rights...

well, what about your fellow citizens who live in fear for one of their loved ones or themselves that they will be shot by someone with a gun? what about their rights?

Originally Posted By: ed good
canvas: yeah I see, millions of Americans don't give a damn about guns...they are just afraid of getting what about their right to be free of fear of getting shot?

Originally Posted By: ed good
some view the current version of a well regulated militia as your local unarmed volunteer fire department...augmented by your local armed town police force.

what used to be militia is now your state's national guard, which is under the command of your state's governor... and your state guard is subject to call up and command of the president of the united states...

Originally Posted By: ed good
no, guns do not kill people...people kill people.

cept, too many guns in the hands of too many people do kill too many people...have we the people exceeded our carrying capacity for firepower?

Originally Posted By: ed good
san fran does not want a gun is their right...

Originally Posted By: ed good
state and local laws regulating firearms are not a violation of the second amendment...insisting that they are, could be considered a violation of the tenth amendment...

Originally Posted By: ed good
guess no body here has the balls to answer my question:

disarm...seems to work for the rest of the civilized world...

why not us?

To think that King, Ed and Jagermeister repeatedly deny that there is a single person with an anti-gun agenda operating on this forum. And some others here will do and say anything to protect that relentless undermining of our rights. THAT is the behavior that I find so disgusting on this forum. The opinions I state here are based solely upon the words and actions that are exhibited here. You can't make this shit up!
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 07:46 PM
Kain't we alls just get along....
Posted By: builder Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 08:09 PM
Thanks George!
Posted By: btdtst Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 09:38 PM
And even this thread deteriorates into animosity. Unbelievable.
Posted By: old colonel Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 10:09 PM
Keith, is there really anybody left on the board who does not know your opinions of some of the other members. Couldn't you give it a break and only post the personal diatribe once a week? Say maybe on Thursdays so I know not to bother checking the website?

I doubt you will convert anyone as most of us are well past opinion formation having lived long enough to know better. If anyone needs convincing and can be convinced it is not those who frequent this board.
Posted By: keith Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 10:40 PM
Well old colonel, Ed and King and Jagermeister do not think there is even one anti-gun Troll among us. So there's three right there that still need convincing. This entire thread has nothing to do with Doubles, so why would you expect only me to conform to your standards? I might actually consider your request if I didn't notice just how selective you are in what you find unacceptable. But considering the validity of your complaint, I'd have to say you are just wasting your time.

You could always try ignoring me like Larry Clown. Oh wait... ever since he informed me that he is ignoring me, he has about worn out his keyboard responding to me, or unilaterally insulting me.

Posted By: old colonel Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 10:47 PM
Well I guess the three members of this board you cite is worth bothering the rest of us.

I have not blocked anyone as I believe everyone on this boad to include the four you note have good things to say now and again I appreciate their input. Maybe I am too much the optimist, though I do note today I noticed a fact listed by Larry today that caught my attention reference "acceptable" eagle kill levels, I may have missed it in the past, but had I blocked him I would have missed it again.

Every thread does not have to be a right to bear arms event. I imagine the members of this board could arm a battalion, I know I could near two squads.

Take care
Posted By: keith Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:10 PM
Not everyone here is bothered by what I post. Some tell me they agree with me by PM, and others publicly voice their support along with their own disapproval of anti-gun Trolls and their rhetoric. You don't seem to care about our opinions or feelings, so I can't imagine why I would worry about yours.

I know that the majority of guys here have an above average number of guns. But the mere act of owning or shooting guns does not automatically indicate support for the 2nd Amendment. Do you remember the extreme anti-gun journalist Carl Rowan who got arrested in Washington D.C. after shooting at kids who went swimming in his pool? How about anti-gun Democrat U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. who was arrested at O’Hare airport when TSA personnel found an unloaded .25-caliber pistol and a loaded magazine inside the garment bag he was taking through the security checkpoint? Or how about Illinois Democrat State Sen. Donne Trotter who also was charged with felony attempt to board an airplane with a weapon? There are plenty more, and there are quite a few gun owners who support and defend anti-gun politicians and do everything they can to censor anything that shines a light on what they do to take away our rights. King says there should be no litmus test, and that we should embrace the Trojan Horses in our midst... the same guy who has made literally thousands of judgemental posts and non-ad hominem attacks in his time here.

Sorry, your argument is not even a bit convincing.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:11 PM
I am glad the "Ignore" feature is available for those who choose to use it. I tried it, and find it to be no great shakes. I mean, after all, why would I ask my computer to do something for me that I can do myself?

Please, I'm not belittling anybody who likes the feature, we are all different in many ways. That's a good thing mostly, and I'm probably more different than most blush ............ which may contribute to my being perplexed at this.

Posted By: Geo. Newbern Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:20 PM
Stan, it's like driving by a car wreck. You don't want to see it, you don't need to see it, but you look anyway. If it is not there you don't look...Geo
Posted By: keith Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:26 PM
Geo, is that why you recently started a totally off topic thread that you admitted knowing would cause dissent and heated discussion? Pardon me for not being impressed by your sincerity and concern for Kumbaya here when you yourself has been known to throw gasoline on the fire.
Posted By: Buzz Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:38 PM
I used to think misfires should have been dropped. I've changed my mind. I think the main board is now cluttered with misfires stuff. Maybe Dave could bring it back for a trial run and get misfires stuff where it belongs, cuz it's pretty obvious, misfires topic/threads are never going away?? IMHO, anyway.
Posted By: lonesome roads Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:50 PM
Hello, buzz

But that will give the FAGs (Fake Ass Gentlemen) a case of the flaming fantods complaining to Dave about the stuff they never read.

What's the best way to tune a banjo? Wire cutters.
Posted By: old colonel Re: behavior? - 05/17/16 11:58 PM
Keith, None of us can control what others say (save the webmaster from time to time through deletion). We can influence people mostly where they maybe predisposed to go. We can ultimately only control what we say ourselves and how we react to what others post.

I do not disagree some of the anti thoughts have been said by some. However given the little level of value I give them, I can't recall them. I guess I could see them again and again if I read your constant reposting of them, which gives them far greater publicity than if they were argued against at the time then forgotten. i miss misfires as most of the diatribe stayed there.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 12:43 AM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Stan, it's like driving by a car wreck. You don't want to see it, you don't need to see it, but you look anyway. If it is not there you don't look...Geo

I still don't quite understand, George. Probably just a "me" thing, but, if I don't want to look at a car wreck I don't look at it. I don't need something preventing me from turning my head that direction. Oh, well, no big deal.

All my best, Stan
Posted By: builder Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 01:14 AM
I have been reading this board for 12 years. I have not used the ignore feature in those twelve years. I just don't read the posts of certain members. Sometimes enough is enough. I don't want to even see the repetitive posts, sometimes the same post in multiple threads. I come here to read about double guns. That is why it is called doublegunshop.

Why it would bother you so much that someone wants to use the feature that you would post twice about it is beyond me. Just drive by and ignore me.
Posted By: Fin2Feather Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 01:18 AM
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Stan, it's like driving by a car wreck. You don't want to see it, you don't need to see it, but you look anyway. If it is not there you don't look...Geo

I still don't quite understand, George. Probably just a "me" thing, but, if I don't want to look at a car wreck I don't look at it. I don't need something preventing me from turning my head that direction. Oh, well, no big deal.

All my best, Stan

Maybe some of us just don't want to risk stupidity by osmosis.
Posted By: steve white Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 01:27 AM
I don't know why an anti would want to be here--and they certainly get my blood pressure up--so thank you Keith for posting their own words!! Second amendment issues are vital, or we will be dismantled piecemeal. I am concerned about rules which even now could impinge on my right to hunt with a drilling under certain circumstances. Imagine a shotgun only rule on public land while bird hunting--you don't have the rifle ammunition with you, but the gun IS capable of firing a rifle round during closed season for big game. Will I have it confiscated though I am only using the shotgun capability (and perhaps by the desire of the officer to confiscate an expensive engraved weapon for himself?) No, we need common sense extended to us by authorities who are firearms friendly. I do NOT understand why we would trust those who are against our rights to be sympathetic. Expose them and vote them out! And expose the useful idiots who undermine out cause as well.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 03:00 AM
Originally Posted By: Fin2Feather
Originally Posted By: Stan
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Stan, it's like driving by a car wreck. You don't want to see it, you don't need to see it, but you look anyway. If it is not there you don't look...Geo

I still don't quite understand, George. Probably just a "me" thing, but, if I don't want to look at a car wreck I don't look at it. I don't need something preventing me from turning my head that direction. Oh, well, no big deal.

All my best, Stan

Maybe some of us just don't want to risk stupidity by osmosis.


Posted By: canvasback Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 04:06 AM
Originally Posted By: lonesome roads
Hello, buzz

But that will give the FAGs (Fake Ass Gentlemen) a case of the flaming fantods complaining to Dave about the stuff they never read.

What's the best way to tune a banjo? Wire cutters.

Fantods. Awesome word. Looked it up last time. Thanks LR. Going to pull that one out on my son next time he behaves like the 11 year old he is. LOL

PS, I thought it was with a wall. Tuning that is. Swimmin' pools, movie stars!
Posted By: wyobirds Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 12:49 PM
After four pages the question posed in the OP ("Do you insult your friends, strangers and associates as you do the members of this forum?") has not been addressed.
Instead, suggestions to ignore the offending posts and justifications for same have been discussed. And the name calling and insults continue.
Posted By: old colonel Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 01:12 PM
Originally Posted By: wyobirds
After four pages the question posed in the OP ("Do you insult your friends, strangers and associates as you do the members of this forum?") has not been addressed.
Instead, suggestions to ignore the offending posts and justifications for same have been discussed. And the name calling and insults continue.

Wyobirds you are correct, I failed to directly address the specific question at the start of the thread. Though I did think the nature of my postings did represent my answer, That said in specific answer I treat friends with similar respect that I show fellow members of this board.

I do not insult them in public forums, but I will try to intelligently argue points of view when I disagree. I do not attack them personally, I argue for civility even when emotionally I would love to type a scathing attack of a personnel nature. Lastly if I give personal offense that is reasonable (simply disagreeing is not an personnel offense) I am willing to make amends.

I will always argue for civility.
Posted By: RyanF Re: behavior? - 05/18/16 07:14 PM
I figured out the problem: The board has too many wannabe mini-moderators and too few trolls.
Posted By: HomelessjOe Re: behavior? - 05/20/16 11:40 AM
Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
The ignore function on this forum is it's greatest attribute...Geo

What'd you say George ?
Posted By: steve f Re: behavior? - 05/20/16 11:54 AM
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