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Posted By: khanh CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/12/13 03:19 AM
I received my Inverness on Friday last. I placed my paid in full order in January of 2012. My serial number is 86. I was disappointed in the lack of a metal grip cap on the pistol grip. The order form explicitly states standard grips are a straight grip or a pistol grip with metal grip cap. It may still be that on line, I don't know. I placed a call today to inquire and first spoke to Bob who stated that he fielded a call yesterday inquiring about the same thing. I was transferred to Camille (spelling ?) a salesman who said that it was a design change and that Adam, the machine shop foreman may explain the reason for me better than he. Adam plainly states that the metal grip cap came standard only on the Deluxe model and the long tang models. I pointed out to him that it is on all the order forms I have ever seen, from the very beginning, since before the Deluxe was ever advertised. He reiterated that he has never seen a grip cap on a short tang standard Inverness. I asked whether I can talk to someone who could explain to me why I did not receive what I ordered, the answer was " well, I don't know who you could talk to about that". With that I hung up and ended my relationship with CSMC after my one and only new gun order.
Posted By: USHOOT2 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/12/13 11:02 AM
A good friend of mine had a similar experience with their A-10. He joined the one and done club as well.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/12/13 09:33 PM
Well, as of this afternoon the description on the order form changed from " straight grip or pistol grip with a metal cap" to "straight grip or pistol grip" The original description was up still up this morning.
Posted By: Replacement Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/12/13 09:43 PM
I have been pleased with CSMC's service on my two RBLs, but I'd go ballistic if I had ordered a metal grip cap and didn't get it.
Posted By: ed good Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/12/13 09:57 PM
cheer up. my stevens 311 did not come with grip cap either...still shoots pretty good wid out hit.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/13/13 12:45 AM
I would stay on the phone 'til I got Tony or Lou on the other end. This is the kind of thing you go to the top to get resolved. If they make excuses why they can't do it I would "demand" a refund. Words in advertisements matter. The fact that they changed the wording on the order form is akin to an admission of guilt, IMO.

Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Don't let up until you get satisfaction.

Posted By: Buzz Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/13/13 01:06 AM
I'm a member of the '1 and done' club myself. I wouldn't even buy a box of shotgun shells from CSMC.
Posted By: PALUNC Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/13/13 01:40 AM
I looked at the ad tonight and it does say it comes with a grip cap.
Posted By: Ithaca33 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/13/13 06:27 PM
It's sad to hear such disparaging stories about csmc. I don't live far from their factory and showroom. I've had great experiences there and hope to someday order a custom fox.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/16/13 04:59 PM
Thanks Stan but I don't really want to waste my valuable time looking for someone "in charge". I'm sure the top knows and likely made the decision on the final design. Besides the "Friends of Tony" Club likely has made him aware of this thread and if they want to talk to me, they have all my contact info. I'm actually surprise that the "Friends of Tony" hasn't come on to tell is what prompted the deletion. It's not like the description was not on the multiple thousands of catalogs that were mailed out for over a year throughout the US. Besides it's a simple matter of disputing the charge with my CC company because I didn't get what I paid for.
Posted By: UplandGuide Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/16/13 07:54 PM
I would return the shotgun for a refund if I didn't get what I ordered.

However, I was under the impression when I ordered (I ordered real early) that guns that were not ordered with the long tang option were going to be plain PG or possibly POW. So, I ordered the long tang option.
Posted By: mc Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/16/13 09:10 PM
in there ad the 8th line under the headline "standard features" says
"straight grip or pistol grip with metal cap". this is in the Inverness headline impression is they offered the cap.
Posted By: Craig Larter Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/17/13 12:18 AM
I was also under the impression that the capped pistol cap only came with the long tang.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/19/13 03:35 AM
I had to learn English as a third language but I think I have a pretty good grasp of the language and its nuances. "Straight grip or pistol grip with metal cap" as a standard feature is pretty specific and rather descriptive. I find it difficult to interpret it any other way.
Posted By: Gunflint Charlie Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/19/13 04:25 AM
Well, CSMC seems to agree, seeing as they've now changed it.
Posted By: arrieta2 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/20/13 01:19 PM
certainly understanding your concern. Not sticking up for Galazan. But many companies have in their catalog and or their website site a disclaimer that states "prices and specifications subject to change without notice"

Not sure if that is stated on their website or catalog.

John Boyd
Quality Arms
Posted By: Condor Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/20/13 02:06 PM
I agree with a number of posts here.... I will not do any business with him...he had advertised that his show room was open on Saturdays...three of us drive 3 hours and nobody there....yes...we should have called, but the doors were locked. They tell me the next day...tough , they had a show that day. So he does not make enough money to have someone manning the showroom as he advertised everywhere and in shoot journals.....the bait and switch on this is obvious....if I want any accessories I will go to Jeffs Outfitters, same stuff, better prices and much better customer can even speak with Jeff himself.... Anthony's guns are all over priced. I sold my RBL launch , not because it was not a good is.....but bough a better Grant to replace it. Just my take on this business. You should get what they advertise...period for the money you are spending. Why are there so many of his guns on the secondary market in Guns international?

This guy thinks, as the " great American Gun maker".. He will dish it out and all of us will simply have to take it....and we will!....this kind if thing WILL have an effect in the always does.
Posted By: Replacement Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/20/13 03:35 PM
But many companies have in their catalog and or their website site a disclaimer that states "prices and specifications subject to change without notice"

Well, yes, but that disclaimer goes out the window once they cash your check on an order form that states you are getting the grip cap as a standard item. You ordered the gun with the grip cap, they cashed your check, they owe you the grip cap. They have the option to decline the order when they receive it, if they don't want to provide the grip cap.
Posted By: Doverham Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/20/13 05:14 PM
Well, yes, but that disclaimer goes out the window once they cash your check on an order form that states you are getting the grip cap as a standard item.

That is the nub of it - once you pay, there are contract implications, and a generally published statement should not override a paid for order. If you take that one step further, that means CSMC could increase the price after you PIF. Imagine receiving this letter: "The gun that you paid for has gone up in price $500 since we received your payment. We will deliver your gun upon receipt of further payment." A little more extreme, perhaps, but the same idea. PIF obligates them to deliver the gun you paid for, plain and simple.

Not a criticism, but this is a good reminder that a written order with all relevant specs when buying a new gun is a very good idea. There are more than a few stories out there (particularly involving Spanish guns) of something different from the original order being delivered. That happened to me recently - it was made right after 4 months, but it involved returning the gun and I am back to square one a year later.
Posted By: GF1 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/21/13 12:01 AM
The bunch at Galazan/CSMC, including Tony Galazan, put me off many years ago at the big Las Vegas show.

Not much was going on at their table, and I was ready w/ cash in my jeans to order one of their M21s. They couldn't be bothered with me, I had to work to get them to show me a gun, got the clear impression my business did not matter to them.

Not far away was Don Criswell, who got my business on a nice gun.

I'd like to believe that CSMC is the second coming of the American gun making business, but my experience and some of these more recent tales lead me to believe otherwise. Don't believe this zebra will change his stripes; I hope I am wrong.
Posted By: John Roberts Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/21/13 07:48 PM
Originally Posted By: GF1
The bunch at Galazan/CSMC, including Tony Galazan, put me off many years ago at the big Las Vegas show.

Not much was going on at their table, and I was ready w/ cash in my jeans to order one of their M21s. They couldn't be bothered with me, I had to work to get them to show me a gun, got the clear impression my business did not matter to them.

Not far away was Don Criswell, who got my business on a nice gun.

I'd like to believe that CSMC is the second coming of the American gun making business, but my experience and some of these more recent tales lead me to believe otherwise. Don't believe this zebra will change his stripes; I hope I am wrong.

If you walked up to their table and approached whoever, be it Lou, Tony, or whoever, and said, "hello, I'm Joe Blow, how are you guys today? I'm interested in ordering one of your 21's, what do I need to do?" or anything near that, and they ignored you, (which I doubt), then you are right to blow them off on a public forum. Otherwise, tell us how they treated you so rudely.

Sometimes, a dealer can appear unconcerned when you're standing at their table with your hands in your pockets, staring at their guns, expecting them to read your mind.

Sometimes you really do have to step up to the plate and let someone know you are a buyer and not a tire-kicker. I've found waving hundred-dollar bills in the air works wonders.

Not judging, just saying.
Posted By: skeettx Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/21/13 08:11 PM
Hello khanh
What is the latest status?
Posted By: Fin2Feather Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/21/13 09:05 PM
Anyone who is in the business of selling something and who thinks they can tell a buyer from a non-buyer just by looking is a fool. Take it from someone who spent many years in sales and made that mistake once (but only once).
Posted By: Mike Poore Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/22/13 12:27 AM
I know this is like asking Mrs. Lincoln, other than the incident, how she liked the play; but would you mind sharing your thoughts about the gun, other than the missing grip cap. Mine's in transit #88, I think, and I'm hoping to enjoy it as much as the RBL and A-10. Especially the A-10, which is an outstanding pheasant gun.

Posted By: GF1 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/22/13 12:30 AM
Originally Posted By: John Roberts
Originally Posted By: GF1
The bunch at Galazan/CSMC, including Tony Galazan, put me off many years ago at the big Las Vegas show.

Not much was going on at their table, and I was ready w/ cash in my jeans to order one of their M21s. They couldn't be bothered with me, I had to work to get them to show me a gun, got the clear impression my business did not matter to them.

Not far away was Don Criswell, who got my business on a nice gun.

I'd like to believe that CSMC is the second coming of the American gun making business, but my experience and some of these more recent tales lead me to believe otherwise. Don't believe this zebra will change his stripes; I hope I am wrong.

If you walked up to their table and approached whoever, be it Lou, Tony, or whoever, and said, "hello, I'm Joe Blow, how are you guys today? I'm interested in ordering one of your 21's, what do I need to do?" or anything near that, and they ignored you, (which I doubt), then you are right to blow them off on a public forum. Otherwise, tell us how they treated you so rudely.

Sometimes, a dealer can appear unconcerned when you're standing at their table with your hands in your pockets, staring at their guns, expecting them to read your mind.

Sometimes you really do have to step up to the plate and let someone know you are a buyer and not a tire-kicker. I've found waving hundred-dollar bills in the air works wonders.

Not judging, just saying.

Please note that I actually engaged them, did discuss with them the ordering process, handled a Model 21 on display (as I thought I alluded in my post). This wasn't was first rodeo, JR, far from my first engagement and purchase in the fine gun business, nor was I dressed nor behaving like a bum. Disagree that one needs to announce to a seller that I'm here to buy; if it takes waving hundred dollar bills to get them serious, I'm all for you and glad you have had happy experiences with them. Mine was different, and it was clear that Galazan couldn't be bothered with my business.
Posted By: dogon Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/22/13 12:42 AM
A few years ago at the spring Tulsa show. Myself & a couple of my buddies had three shared tables full of guns plus this & that which included a couple of Mdl-21's & a Parker repro 20ga just to name a few. Two guy's wearing tatered bib overalls walked up to the table to look things over. We talked to them & answered a couple of questions, but mainly small talk.

The two bib wearing fella's then stepped away from the table & talked for a few minutes. They then came back & asked "What do want for the whole lot" That set us back on our heels & asked if they were serious. Sure enough they were serious. After we talked it over & did the math we shot them a price for every thing. They opened the top flap on the bib's,pulled out their cash & counted out hundred dollar bills and we helped them load the stuff in their car.

That Tulsa show was over for us in a heart beat. If we would have steriotyped them, we probably wouldn't have made that deal. You just never know who your dealing with or what's going to happen.

A couple of years after that at spring Tulsa. Another friend had six model 21's sitting on his table. Tony Galazan walked up, looked them over a asked "How much for all of them" Needless to say he walked away with them.
Posted By: USHOOT2 Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/22/13 12:40 PM
If you have to wave money in the air to get their attention, they wont be getting any of mine.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 03:57 PM
Just got back from camping with my boys. I am overall happy with the gun. The gun balances well and has a nice stick of American walnut on it. The trigger has a little creep in it. No one has called to tell me to send it back for a grip cap. I will shoot it this weekend. I don't know how to post pics, sorry.
Posted By: eightbore Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 04:26 PM
"No one has called". Have you asked them if they would install a cap for you? I have no idea how mine will be delivered. I wonder if it's too late to call and ask.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 05:09 PM
When I called to inquire why there was not a grip cap on my Inverness, it was made clear to the several people I talked to that I expected a metal grip cap as per the order form. It was made equally clear to me that it wasn't going to happen so if they changed their mind then they need to contact me with instructions on how to send it back. I am not going to beg them to honor the order when they already told me to go pound sand.
Posted By: eightbore Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 07:46 PM
Thanks for the clarification. I'll let you know how mine comes in.
Posted By: NCTarheel Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 09:09 PM
At the Southern SxS when CSMC first displayed an Inverness prototype, I was told customers had to order the long tang to get the grip cap...and that was April 2012 I believe. CSMC was pretty specific to me and the others looking at the Inverness that the grip cap option went with the long tang option...and you had to order the long tang to get the grip cap.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 09:53 PM
CSMC was also very specific on their on line and printed order forms that as a standard feature you can get a "straight grip or pistol grip with metal cap". This description was on line until a few weeks ago and remain on their printed order form. Just pull out any of the recent catalogue with the Inverness on the cover. I suspect most of us that ordered did not have a face to face with the CSMC personnel and depended on the on line and and print order forms as to what to expect when the gun finally arrives. In my case I ordered 30" barrels, check. 2x standard wood, check. Standard pistol grip with metal cap, nope no cap.
Posted By: greypartridge Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/27/13 11:21 PM
Wow. I can not believe a grip cap can cause so much drama. If I was that into a grip cap on a O/U shotgun , I would have already contacted a stocker and have a work order with him to install a nice little engraved grip cap to look at. You got a good deal on your shotgun, my gosh man $200 will not change your lifestyle. If you are that miserable over a grip cap , call Tony.....I am 100% sure he will take his shotgun back. I drink the Kool-Aid and firmly believe CSMC is manufacturing high quality shotguns in most price ranges. I came to the conclusion long ago that the company has it's own version of marketing and customer interaction. I have found CSMC to be quality oriented regarding their products and stand behind them. It is their business model , it seems to be working for them. It is yours and mine decision if we want to support their business. Send the gun back or have a grip cap installed.
Posted By: Fin2Feather Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 02:05 PM
If the ad says it will have a grip cap, it oughta have one. Pretty simple. If they want to change the spec going forward that's fine, as long as they put it in writing.
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 03:29 PM
As stated elsewhere, it's not about the grip cap or the gun itself (it's a fine gun), it is about the lack of the grip cap. Many years ago I received a catalogue from CSMC for their Fox guns. Many times I drooled over the fine pictures but alas as a student, I could not afford the $5000 entry fee for the CE. Now that I can order one...or three of the FE's, I thought I'd test the waters with the Inverness. I hesitate to place a 30k+ order for one gun when I can't get what I ordered on a 3k gun. I am the first to admit that I don't get the minutiae of CSMC's marketing tactics. Go ahead and order our gun, pay up front and get what we decide you should get! Order forms? Order forms? We don't look at no stinking order forms!
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 04:44 PM
Originally Posted By: greypartridge
...I came to the conclusion long ago that the company has it's own version of marketing and customer interaction. I have found CSMC to be quality oriented regarding their products and stand behind them. It is their business model , it seems to be working for them. It is yours and mine decision if we want to support their business ....

It just clicked for me. What you're telling me is that I should have known what was going to happen and the spec changes are part of their MO and if I expected the gun to be built as specified, I shouldn't have ordered from them. That it's my fault for giving them a chance to do it right with the Inverness. Lesson learned, thanks.
Posted By: ClapperZapper Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 05:17 PM
Stay on them Khan.

They've been through this before.

The American shotgun industry doesn't hang on your grip cap like some would have you believe.

On some entry level American doubles of the '40's, the addition of the grip cap signified an entirely different model.
Posted By: justin Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 06:31 PM
Make them eat it and buy a nice Brit gun
Posted By: greypartridge Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 09:15 PM
Originally Posted By: khanh
Originally Posted By: greypartridge
...I came to the conclusion long ago that the company has it's own version of marketing and customer interaction. I have found CSMC to be quality oriented regarding their products and stand behind them. It is their business model , it seems to be working for them. It is yours and mine decision if we want to support their business ....

It just clicked for me. What you're telling me is that I should have known what was going to happen and the spec changes are part of their MO and if I expected the gun to be built as specified, I shouldn't have ordered from them. That it's my fault for giving them a chance to do it right with the Inverness. Lesson learned, thanks.

I guess that's right. CSMC ,gold plated triggers on two of my ordered guns, which I asked them specifically not to do. The two Fox guns turned out above my rather high expectations and are amazing. CSMC also added some rather cool engraving to the barrels I had not asked for or paid for. It was a manufacturing issue that he wiped out the grip cap....he could have given you a ugly stock cool

I just love the drama and seeing so many get their panties in a wad ....... you are so excited about a pot metal little cap that serves no function and costs probably $7.00 to make. Would you like some cheese with your wine? cry
Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 09:45 PM
No thanks I don't drink...the Koolaid
Posted By: cpa Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 10:04 PM
I see why you say you didn't get what you thought you were getting. Normally, people return the item if that is the case. On the other hand, you proudly state that you can buy 3 new Foxes now. Why not just swallow hard and buy yourself a grip cap, quit fretting and enjoy your new gun.
Posted By: canvasback Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 10:50 PM
Just my observations here but the folks on this thread who most seem to be getting "their panties in a wad" to quote greypartridge, are those who think it's just fine that CSMC didn't deliver as ordered.

khanh, believe I agree with you. You ordered something and they didn't deliver it. When questioned about what they would do to solve that little problem, they said "nothing" making it a slightly larger problem. It would make me less likely to order something from them.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/28/13 11:54 PM

Back about four pages of posts on this I suggested you stay on the phone until you get to the top and straighten this out. You said you would not waste your valuable time to do that. I find it ironic that you will waste your valuable time posting endlessly about this, on here. If you had spent the time on the phone settling this issue, with the ones you should be talking to about it, that you have on here, it would most likely be sorted out by now. confused

Posted By: khanh Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 01:12 AM
I couldn't have said that better myself.

I do appreciate your's not that haven't tried that. I'm just not willing to do anymore. I've done the "May I talk to Lou or Tony?" Neither were available and never returned messages. About a month ago, when I saw the ad for an Inverness on gunbroker, I called to try to upgrade to exhibition wood. I left three messages to call me back in one week's time. No one called. The same salesman was in the office but could never take my calls nor have the decency to call back to take more money from me. Everyone else were away at shows. I'm just done begging.
Posted By: Brittany Man Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 01:28 AM

To quote former president Slick Willie "I feel your pain".

After purchasing 1 CSMC 21 & having attempted to purchase a second 21 & a Fox from them I've got to say that CSMC has about the poorest customer relations of any company I can remember doing business with & I know a few other people that feel likewise.

I like doing business with companies that act like they appreciate my patronage & want me to be satisfied with my purchase.
Posted By: mc Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 01:37 AM
Khanh,you should be more like grey partridge,csmc is such a great company you should be grateful for what ever they send you.and be happy that csmc let you order from
Posted By: mc Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 01:44 AM
i grey partridges post.pot metal, engraving i didn,t order. perfectly happy with things he didn,t order.i guess you should be happy you didn't get a pot metal grip
Posted By: Condor Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 02:19 AM
It is really funny that guys do not seem to understand that it is not the quality of the gun...or all the great things that a USA gunmaker can is simply the customer relationship that is historic with this guy.. Anthony "Tony"..nothing more.. All the " do this do that"...miss the point... Just my opinion and there is no points that will change my mind.. I know it when I see ordered it! You should get it. Besides , as I said the product is over rated.... The service is ARROGANT , The guns are ok....and nice.... ..and they do not care...because they have their sycophants.....and believe...for now that they have cornered the market for USA made shotgun of that quality.....they think.
Posted By: Craig Havener Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 02:27 AM
It continues today, that many companies and our government have forgotten who the customer is. If they can get away with it, it will continue. Don't accept crappy service. If you do it is your own fault.
Posted By: Condor Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 05:02 PM
Craig...that is about it...taking time to deal with this is simple. I bought a nice Grant Side lever... I saw had been rebarrelled by Boss. so I contact Boss....after many emails from Ron Lyu of Boss..... I am my club shooting clays on SUNDAY morning and Ron actually calls me on my cell phone to give me the low down on my Gun. I tell him I am stunned that he is calling me about a rebarrelled gun, not even a Boss gun, that it was indeed rebarrelled by Boss. He sends me all the ledger records.......then there is Graham Geener, who gave me countless emails tracking a f-40 s/ s.. This guy, you could tell, loved the Guns, the history.... Not to mention Bob Beach...these guys are lovers of double guns....I did pay for my histories, but nothing was charged by Lyu.....that is what I look at as real customer service, and not even by a customer.....if I want an American Gun I will buy a nicely balanced Browning...or just shoot my Parker VH ...restored by DelGego....Everyone who loves Conn loves it because they are not expensive....except 10 grand for an A needs to be given for the marketing is working.
Posted By: Condor Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/29/13 06:18 PM
Forgot to say that guys like Bob Beach even do an Internet search to track, as best as he can , of the family history of the owner of the A&F sold gun, backwards and gives you what he has on the manufacture of the gun....the passion is in between the lines......Anthony has not yet arrived...maybe his sons or daughters or Grandchildren will figure it out someday.
Posted By: greypartridge Re: CSMC Inverness metal grip cap. - 06/30/13 09:17 PM
Originally Posted By: mc
i grey partridges post.pot metal, engraving i didn,t order. perfectly happy with things he didn,t order.i guess you should be happy you didn't get a pot metal grip

YES, I was very happy with the additional $600.00+ engraving they did on the gun for no charge, the exact weight range I requested of 6 lbs 4oz for 16 gauge 30" barrels with a 15 1/8" lop was well received too! The quality is there and I have had GREAT service.The drama from a few over a grip cap is humorous.....panties in a is so simple to send the gun back for a full return instead of whining on every board
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