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Posted By: Last Dollar Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 02:07 AM
I see that General Norman Schwarpkopf passed today. He was 78,my age. I had the good fortune to shoot with the General a few times. He was bigger and more honest in real life than depicted in the Media. Hand Salute General, and God speed
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 02:40 AM
He hunted often next door to my land, on Wade Plantation, for quail. Sad to hear of his passing. Thanks for the heads up, LD.

Posted By: GLS Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 02:40 AM
When he was commanding general of the 24th Mech. at Ft.Stewart, you couldn't walk a straightline in the woods without hitting a game food plot. He was an avid hunter and fisherman. 78 is young these days...
Posted By: gjw Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 06:07 AM
Sad news, I met him twice once when he was the CG of the 24th. I was in a PSYOP Co and we supported the 2nd Bde when they rotated to Ft Irwin (NTC). Our unit was able to divert some of the OPFOR forces and one of the 2nd's Battalions was able to gain the upper hand and win an engagement (which didn't happen to often). He was so happy he came to our unit and thanked each of us. Boy he was a big man, solid, no fat and what a handshake, grip like iron. He did have a temper, our CO was at an after action review and he chewed out some of his commanders for the screw ups that happened that day. After he said his peace it was all over and forgotten.

The 2nd time I met him was in the gulf. I was with the same PSYOP unit and he came to see us, he still remembered our unit from the NTC.

All I can say is he was well liked and respected. A true soldier.

Rest In Gods Arms General.

Posted By: L. Brown Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 01:03 PM
Temper for sure! I knew a Military Intelligence officer who was with him in the Gulf. Did not particularly want to be on his staff, because the general had fired him once previously--but he asked for the officer in question by name. Fired him again during the Gulf War. Rehired the next day, both times. As Greg indicated, he was quick to anger, but often got over it quickly too.

I remember his description of Saddam Hussein, based on the latter's strategy: "The world's dumbest military genius."
Posted By: Der Ami Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 03:21 PM
He hated the title"Storming Norman", he prefered "Bear".Out of profound respect, I would never call him "Storming Norman".I just usually call him "General".
Posted By: pooch Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 07:17 PM
I have a friend that was on his staff, has nothing but praise for the man. He died too soon.
Posted By: tudurgs Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 07:58 PM
A cub reporter asked him "General, what kind of leader are you?" His response "A damned fine one".

RIP, General
Posted By: James M Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 08:08 PM
A great General and the real brains behind the Iraqi war. I am sure he will be missed.
Posted By: Joe Wood Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 08:17 PM
He was a darned good shotgunner and loved to quail hunt.
Posted By: King Brown Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 08:23 PM
It sure picked me up, this praise from his countrymen, just the facts not eulogy, not myth making and erring in retrospect but the man as you knew him.
Posted By: Mark Larson Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/28/12 10:30 PM
Never had the honor to meet the man, but I was a support troop in the Air Force (in Alaska) during the first gulf war and I remember him being held in very high regard by the rank and file. He seemed extremely competent,and the epitome of a soldier's soldier.
Posted By: Stanton Hillis Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/29/12 12:58 AM
My cousin was a Marine and served during Desert Storm. He said that he was given he job of guarding Swarzkhoff's headquarters, which at the time was on a ship in port. Cuz' was trained in sniping at Quantico, and anti-terrorist stuff, among other things.

He was standing guard one day, and as Norman approached the headquarters he passed Cuz', stopped, walked back and gave him a good look and said, "What the hell is a Marine doing guarding MY headquarters?!! Get him out of here and get me a soldier!!

Didn't bother Cuz' at all, he thought it was kinda' funny.

Posted By: old colonel Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/29/12 02:42 AM
"Stormin" came from his temper. I was around him several times I never saw his temper, but it was legend and I heard the legend before he ever made it to CENTCOM. He came from and era in the Army where that style of leadership was commonly accepted.

He was a good soldier who effectively accomplished missions in efficient ways.
Posted By: L. Brown Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/29/12 11:52 AM
He also knew the Middle East better than most, having lived in Iran when his father was stationed there.
Posted By: Brian Re: Stormin Norman! - 12/29/12 05:59 PM
Old school leader. Never served under him but he was an iconic soldier of the 20th century.
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