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Posted By: Paul Harm UN Treaty - 07/10/12 01:50 AM

On July 27th Clinton is going to sign the UN small arms control treaty. Then the Senate goes in a lame duck session. This is BHO's way of getting gun control. Everyone must write,call, or email their representative. When this goes through we lose our gun rights. If the Senate passes it we're done. And it goes in effect till they reject it. Either way it looks about as bad as it can get. Paul
Posted By: James M Re: UN Treaty - 07/10/12 02:21 AM
I already started a thread on this subject and I agree the former chief bimbo will attempt to sign away our gun rights. However in order for any treaty to take effect 2/3s of the Senate must ratify it(67 votes in favor). Right now that's virtually impossible. However; If the leftists ever get overwhelming control of the Senate as they did in 2008 they could potentially ratify it as the treaty will virtually stay in effect forever. Scary thought for the future and another reason why we must forever keep our guard up.
Posted By: Chicago Re: UN Treaty - 07/10/12 03:43 AM
I believe the language is 2/3 of the senators present must confirm treaties. So, if they wait until the # of members on the floor are in their favor I think they could slide this thing through. There may be a minimum number of senator that have to be present to have a vote, I am not sure about that.
Posted By: GaryW Re: UN Treaty - 07/10/12 04:10 AM
Look up Reid vs Covert (1957) in Wikipedia....Supreme Court ruled the Constitution supersedes any treaty ratified by the U. S. Senate. I don't know how they could ram this through unless they think this would never come up as an argument. Given the intelligence quotient of nearly all the far left, I doubt if they know this decision exists. Doubtful if Obama, "guest lecturer in law" at the University of Chicago does.
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