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Posted By: CraigF Crescent Peerless Servicability - 03/30/10 09:42 PM
I sure miss the Klunkmeister.
What is the servicability of a Crescent Peerless in decent shape (tight)as an occasional shooter? The gun in question is a 16 bore.
It would get a diet of my low pressure reloads.
Posted By: Daryl Hallquist Re: Crescent Peerless Servicability - 03/30/10 10:54 PM
Yes, I have a similar one for sale and wish Klunk could see it. Neat guy.
Posted By: CraigF Re: Crescent Peerless Servicability - 04/20/10 01:34 AM
I passed on the 16 ga. Peerless but an 12 bore Crescent "New Empire" now sits in the gun cabinet. It has a funky dark red color butt plate.
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