I still am solidly on both sides of this debate. Lots of valid points on both sides and I don't envy Daves' position as judge, jury, and executioner. Privacy is nice and I related my sad story of an interloper ruining a transaction on a gun. Additional info is good too because it's easy to overlook things in the heat of pursuit. And who wouldn't appreciate getting a heads up that you may be dealing with a Nigerian torch coloring cold blue con artist. Then there's humor and entertainment which they say may prevent cancer and extend our lives. So I'm still thinking. When do the polls close? And do multiple posts count as more than one vote? Jim, for sure you're right that "this is still the best shotgun site on the net" IMO2. Only thing missing is some kind of interface that would let us share an adult beverage or two... after the guns are cleaned and put away, of course

Last edited by keith; 05/21/08 03:09 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.