Boy, that scroll work is so much nicer than anything you can get on a new gun. Why is it again that we can't get scroll work as nearly good as what was commonplace a century ago? Is this the definition of "progress"? Are things really "better" now than they were?

So many modern guns, guns that cost many thousands, have scroll work on them that looks "childish" compared to the older guns...

That gun you asked us to look at does have pretty scroll work. And to your point it is a good test case. But, yes, as KYJon stated, from the pictures, she looks pitted although that internal bore photo is so blurry and is almost useless except it does readily show corrosion pitting on the ends, suggesting pitted bores for sure.

I basically concur with the recommendations given to you. Befriend someone who knows "old foreign doubles", not just guns But beware of the talkers, the arrogant or showie or double speak type who have alot to say but have a difficult time remebering that he said the opposite a few sentences ago. Find a direct, knowledgeable guy and ask him to help you find a good entry foreign double gun. Also, from experience, I find some of the guys who are really into foreign doubles and have a ton of money do look down on a newbie and ONLY seem to be able to talk about five figure guns; not much help for a new guy who wants something around a $1000 or so.

I definitely agree to the strategy of visiting gun shops and seeing and holding as many guns as possible to help you decide what you like. I didn't realize how much I liked LC Smith's until I heard them call me from gunshop gun racks with 30-40 guns of all makes on them. Who knows, you may think you want a foreign double and then hear an old American call out your name. (hahaha)...But seriously, actually picking up any gun is much better than online, although as you stated you can use the online guns as valuable test cases. Although after a few online busts now I am re-thinking my purchasing strategy as well. Those darn photos can be misleading, perhaps as much as they can be telling sometimes.
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