Originally Posted By: L. Brown
...this one is also backed up by facts and data from foreign countries:
1. Most foreign countries have stricter gun laws than the United States.
2. The homicide rate in those countries with stricter gun laws is significantly lower than in the United States.

I am appalled to see such ignorance posted here as "fact"! This is a 'post hoc' fallacy of the far Left, which is not supported by facts according to Guns & Ammo magazine: http://www.gunsandammomag.com/second_amendment/rk0405/

In contrast, the facts I have provided here on universal health care come from recognized, legitimate published sources, to which I have provided convenient links for verification.

BTW, Larry's statement was originally posted as a straight, unabashed proposition that stricter gun laws = lower gun homicide rates, without any caveats or reservations. It was only after I drew attention to this that he went back and carefully edited his 3rd paragraph to explain his way out of it! (and carefully X-ed out the "Mark as Edited" box!)

Last edited by jack maloney; 02/28/08 09:31 AM.

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