Originally Posted By: KY Jon
Will the Government be able to tell a fat person they have to join a gym to be covered? Tell fast food places to drop all items from the menu that tend to make us fat?

Then they will have to get cost containment some place. Many other national health care systems are not really free.

KY Jon, a lot of the questions you ask have already been answered here. You might find some enlightenment in this article from Business Week: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/07_28/b4042070.htm
I don't think French eating habits have suffered much under universal health care!

Go back through this thread, click on the information links. You'll discover that Americans pay more for health care per capita, and as a percentage of GDP, than the French - or anyone else in the world. A lot more. Our privately-insured health care administration costs are far higher than government-run Medicare. And our health care outcomes don't measure up to other major industrial nations with universal health care (UHC).

Most opponents of UHC don't understand how it is working successfully in countries around the world - and make no effort to inform themselves. It's easier to remain ignorant than to learn. But if America ever acknowledges basic health care as a citizen's right - as do all the other major nations of the earth - hopefully we'll be smart enough to study the successes of countries which have been ahead of us for decades. To see which parts would work best within our system of government. And to craft a universal health care system that fits America's needs.

A hundred years ago, lots of Americans didn't understand how horseless carriages worked, either - but they learned.

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