Hello all, back again. This is the last week of bird season in Georgia so I have had to prioritize. I am glad to see the convesation get back to asking for specific improvements versus feel good generalities. Once again I am here to save the day with a specific course of action, although not a health plan.
This course of action starts with the implementation of a national retail sales tax. Employers no longer can deduct the cost of benefeits to employees because there are no more taxes on income or profit to be deducted from. Employer then says " I think I shall give every one of my employees a raise equivelent to the the cost of the benefeits I used to provide".
Cash in hand the employee now has the responsibility of providing for his or her own health care. Being the intelligent sort the employee seeks a high deductible plan and now has the power to negotiate with care givers because the employee has bankrolled the the difference between the cost of the new high deductible plan and their increase in salary.
Upon realizing that the Federal government has artificialy raised the cost of medical care through compliance mandates traded for grant money taken first from said employee, the employee insists that his congressman and senators let the free market rule and in addition require the severest form of tort control. Peter