Originally Posted By: L.Brown
...our system has problems, but you're not doing much to help us solve them. And nothing you've said to this point is of any real value at all, unless you're willing to get behind A SPECIFIC PLAN.

As usual, Larry sets up a straw man ("A SPECIFIC PLAN") and then beats it to death - without providing any information on his part. According to Larry, I'm obligated to provide all sorts of details about something I never proposed ("A SPECIFIC PLAN"), while he provides nothing but vague generalities.

I agree with Larry that "nothing" I've posted here - the specific data on national health care costs and performance, the links to information sources - "is of any real value at all" to anyone whose mind is firmly closed and doesn't want to be confused by facts. I only hope that forum members with open minds will benefit from greater knowledge.

Sorry, Larry. I've seen your straw man arguments before. If you can contribute any legitimate facts to contradict the information I have provided and sourced, I'd be glad to discuss it. If you can contribute any worthwhile information to help us get a better understanding of the issues surrounding national health care, I'd be pleased to consider it.

Otherwise, I'll just ignore the usual spluttering from the peanut gallery.

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