Oh, come on, Rocketman! The World Health Organization's "agenda"? The University of Maine's "agenda"? The Economist's "agenda"? Family Magazine's "agenda"?

There are no data anywhere that contradict these facts:

- health care in the US costs more per capita, and a much larger percentage of GDP (US 15.4%), than any other nation in the world (Euro area 9.6%);

- more than 40 million Americans have no health care plan;

- US life expectancy is lower, and infant mortality higher, than most countries with universal health care;

- in the US, administration costs for private health care are significantly higher than administrative costs for government-run programs (see http://www.cahi.org/cahi_contents/resources/pdf/CAHIMedicareTechnicalPaper.pdf )

If you can find any legitimate source that contradicts any of this, please post it here. I have been citing my sources - what are yours?

As for your "personal experience," I'd be interested in knowing what experience you have had with universal health care plans.

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