Originally Posted By: Jakearoo
Originally Posted By: Steve Lawson

But, what I fail to see is why this makes America better. Why should health care break someone and take their retirement? As has been discussed above, we collectively pay for education and many other things. Why should Americans not have the collective security of good cheap health care. Why should we spend more as a country for health care and get a worse and more expensive product?



Let me ask this: Where does is stop? Where do we, as those that choose those that govern, say Enough is enough? We have established many social programs that have proven dismal failures.

I go back to the US Constitution and the framers of that sacred document. There are no provisions in there for a national health care system. As I stated previously, I am a strict Consitutionalist, if it ain't in the directions, don't do it.

"Hand a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will never go hungry."

Obesity, sloth, inactivity, poor diet, smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse and other bad lifestyle CHOICES seems to be behind the majority of chronic health issues facing our citizens. If there were more attention towards prevention vs treatment after the fact, I may be able to support that. How about FORCING, via the FCC TV programs and free advertisements promoting good health? Do this during the Mindless reality programs that have the couch potatoes in this country so enthralled. Put pressure on celebs like Britany, Paris, Lindsay, Kiefer and others to do FREE public service announcements and programs as part of their "rehabilitation"?

I have other ideas and suggestions that follow the self help and educational track, much through the private sector, churches and the like. THAT will make America better. Teaching people to take responsibility for their own actions WILL make America better. Getting people off their dead ass and excersizing WILL Make America better. Slapping the hand that is held out for a freebie instead of filling it with MY hard earned money and falso hope WILL make America better. Teaching that Hard work and Education is more important than American Idol WILL make American better. Reducing the size of our Government(s) and lowering taxes weaning people off of social programs WILL Make America better. I can go on. Finally, by making AMERICA better, Americans become stronger and better also.

Look back through history and see what AMERICANS have done...... on their own without the Government to support them. They moved west as a way to better themselves. Came from foreign lands with nary a dollar in their pocket to become multi-millionaires. They were the ancesters of slaves that became scientists, doctors, clergy, judges,generals etc by hard work and fighting the prejudice and bigotry to do it. They were and are soldiers that fought and died for our freedom and to protect the rights of those among the population that hate and despise them. These people Made and Make America Better.

The more you do for someone the less they will do for themselves. Nope, it's time to say NO. That, or how about we all live in a collectiive society where no one gets paid, no one has to pay for anything, but we all have exactly the same thing, same cubicle to live in, same little Trabant to drive, same clothes to wear, same food to eat, no McDonalds, Wendys, KFC Taco Bell.......... Same Health care, same dentist, no choices, have to register if we move to another county, have to get permission to move from state to state. We all have the same gas allowance and the government offical tucks you in and night while handing you your "binky".

Nope, that is NOT what America is all about. Time we ALL did took inventory of what America really is and what it meanss to us. Look inside yourself and ask What Have I Done for My Country Lately? What Have I done for my fellow man lately? Bet the majority that do take that time, may not like the answers.

You asked, "Why should Americans not have the collective security of good cheap health care?" BECAUSE it ain't in the DIRECTIONS. No one ever said it would be fair on my birth certificate, all it said is that I have the same chance. ................ and the use of the word, "Collective" scares the hell out of me. Sounds like the Borg or, Mao.

Sorry, but to quote that old maritime philosopher, "I yam what I Yam".