I think both Syd and Dusty are pretty lame names for this new pup. Since the Nutty Professor has lectured us so often about how Anthropogenic Climate Change is going to destroy the planet, I think a more appropriate name would be "Carbon".

That's because the Nutty Professor made a 4000 mile round trip in a gas guzzling truck to pick him up from Kalifornia. So this puppy already has a Carbon Footprint greater than most third world humans do for an entire year. I'm surprised there are no Golden Retriever puppies closer to Iowa. Maybe they just aren't breeding in Iowa due to global warming (or lead shot or some other scary thing).

Another choice would be to do like King Brown, and name the pup Gus, same as the older dog that is being replaced early. I wonder if old Gus knows he is being replaced. I think dogs are often smart enough to understand things like that. Old Gus looks pretty forlorn in the pics with his replacement. Just look at his sad eyes and how low his tail is. King told us he named all of his Labs Jake. I think there were at least 8 or 9 Jakes. Of course he could also name this pup Carbon Jake, since King isn't using that name anymore.

The best dog name I ever heard was the name a high school buddy gave to his very large German Shepherd. He named it "Kitty". It was hilarious to see him yell, "Here Kitty Kitty", and have this huge German Shepherd come running to him.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.