Poor brainless idiots, rocky brain bill and the transgender fairy nca225, apparently do not wish to comment upon the stark failures in education and economic disparity under Liberal anti-gun Democrat rule in California.

This is typical of our anti-2nd Amendment Libtard Democrat Trolls. And still no comment from Billy about the wisdom (or ignorance)of planting walnut trees for future gun stock wood, while also supporting Liberal Democrats who wish to eliminate gun ownership by law abiding citizens.

When these two Libtards aren't ignoring facts, they are running away from them:


Hey Billy, speaking of the rich, and income disparity, and livable wages... how about this?

Of course, we all know how antigunner Hillary complained about rich Hedge Fund Managers. What she didn't tell you is that Chelsea's husband is a rich Hedge Fund Manager, and is a nephew of the anti-gunner and Billionaire George Soros. Her Father-in-Law is a former Liberal Democrat Congressman who has a felony conviction and went to Federal Prison after pleading guilty to 31 counts of Bank Fraud totaling about $10 million.

You don't need Corporations to buy your vote when you are defrauding Banks out of millions! Right Billy?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.