Indeed, getting rid of he ?3 part of the file name works but that should not be necessary if one gets the right url in the first place.

When I do use imgur, I go to my images. I open the folder I want for the photos I need. Then I click on the photos I want. it opens in a pop up and on the right it lists several different URLs titles

Image Link

Direct Link

Markdown Link (reddit comments)

HTML (website / blogs)
<a href=""><img src="" title="source:" /></a>

BBCode (message boards & forums)

Linked BBCode (message boards)

Behind each link, there is a "Copy" button. I click on the one that is behind the Direct Link URL.

I then paste this url into the dialog box of the message I'm creating.

not that the link behind the BBCode was encased in [img] [/img] so it displays the image in this message instead of the link itself. It is the same url as the one in the Direct Link .

BrentD, (Professor - just for Stan)

[Linked Image from]