Originally Posted By: eeb
Forgive me for being gauche, but that looks like a serious money pit. You couldnt find what you wanted in the open market?

Have you done an internet search for 28 gauge Browning Superposed?
Now Pointers?
Now Superlights?

- its a Belgian Superposed
- its a 28 gauge
- itll be a Superlight
- itll be a Pointer
- itll be engraved by a world renown engraver Angelo Bee
- itll be stocked to fit me
- Ill choose the wood myself

- nope, cant think of a one

Now this,
Lets through a few more bones at the project.

Yup, thats right, thats an original, unfinished, never been on a gun set of Belgian Browning 28 gauge barrels.
Sure theyll need ejectors, forend wood and metal, fitting and finish
but how many Superposed Superlight Pointer two barrel sets do you think there are in this world?

Were it meant to be hung onto,
Theyd of made money with handles.