Don't know who made it but a clue may be hand engraved on the top of the left action rail.
In the last pic,,the one that shows the hand engraved caliber marking,,you can see just the last couple of letters engraved on the top of the left rail of the action.
A makers name perhaps?

That caliber marking on the bbl is very well done, something not always the case even when simple Block or Roman letters are chosen.

I'd almost throw in a guess that the engraver was Jos Fugger,,at least of the floor plate.
He did so many different styles and this was one of them. The Bison head is featured on some of his other work.
But that doesn't pin it down to that person of course as the style and that figure could have been done by any number of capable artists.

The floor plate engraving is quite involved if you enlarge it and study it. The Bison figure is in an oval, nothing different there.
But the oval is surrounded by broad shaded rolled scrolls and a pedestal device an each side of it as if the figure pushed it way out of the background.
A lot more to it than just the cut scroll work flowing outward from there.

The trigger guard area looks blank, or the picture didn't pick up any of the engraving there.
27" bbl doesn't look out of place on it. Maybe the length is a metric thing, the rifle being made up by a European gunsmith type.

The 1/4 rib & sights does remind me of a Hoffman too.
Worth 5K?,,I don't know. I guess it is as someone payed that for it.
I'm forever being told that Golden Law of 'What's it Worth'.
I certainly would have payed $1000 had I seen it for sale somewhere.