"I am 73 years of age and have smoked since the age of 14 - 40 cigs a day by the age of 18, 100 a day for most of my life - about 50-60 a day nowadays.
None of my children, ex-wifes (although that is a different story & would mostly have been agreeable) - dogs or anyone I have ever been in contact with has died an early death because of my - or anyone elses - smoking.
My parents (and all of my family - as well as everyone we knew) smoked all of their lives - I'm sure my mother smoked in the Hospital when I was born! - and both died at the ripe old age of 81.

I have also during most of my life lived 'dangerously' (as some would call it now) - apart from smoking (which was always a 'normal' activity)- hunting dangerous animals in Afrika on foot, sailing single handed halfway around the world & a few other such endeavours.

I am a great believer in people making their own life (only do it! - don't look to other people to do it for you!)

Also, I do not remember people in the 60's/70's , when everybody smoked everywhere, that people fell over dead in the, then, very smoky nightclubs, pubs or restaurants that I frequented.

The same goes for 'lead' in my opinion - rather look at the chemical & other industries for that."

Well....sounds like your anecdotal evidence is very convincing...to bad the tobacco industry lawyers didn't have you as a witness decades ago. You would have saved them billions....lol

Last edited by dal; 04/19/19 07:24 PM.

Life is too short to have a 'hate on' for so many things or people. Isn't it?