Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: dal

perhaps who ever runs dicks thought it was unconscionable to be the source of some mass murderer's weapons, and decided to stop selling them.

Should the car makers be held responsible when some unbalanced nutbar runs down and kills 10 people in Toronto last year? Should the girls who wouldn't have sex with him??

The problem is not the guns. They never kill anyone. It is however, partially a problem of too many lawyers looking for a way to cash in. And has been noted, like journalists and teachers, the majority fall on the left side of the equation. It's where their bread is buttered.....helping to remove the concept of personal responsibility for one's actions as a consideration.

I was thinking more of a personal conscience. Look at your family, grandkids etc.... then open your doors the next day and sell some guy a couple AR'S and a bunch of ammo.... might be hard to live with...

Life is too short to have a 'hate on' for so many things or people. Isn't it?