I shot one quail off a tree limb once. I was actually rabbit hunting with beagles up a narrow bottom nestled between two hills with a creek on one side & carrying a muzzleloading 12ga. I was walking up the middle of the bottom & the dogs had been working the creek bank. bumped a covey of quail scattered out feeding & managed to get off a shot at the last one up. Felt sure I hit it & he went about 50 yds & lit on the limb on the creek back. Rest of the covey crossed the creek & went into the woods on the opposite which was extremely steep. I eased in toward that one on the limb, realizing if it went out the back side I would not have a shot, so feeling it was already hit, when I got in range I gave it a finisher.

I can only recall about one time I would have had the opportunity to have ground sluiced any quail. Was coming through an area where some land clearing had been done & there was a big pile of brush which had been pushed up. There were still quite a few standing trees which had not yet been cleared but was fairly open around them. This covey ran from among the standing trees toward the brush pile & entered it. I got my gun at ready & approached the pile, but I "Heard" the wingbeats as they went out the other side, but never got high enough off the ground for me to even see them, much less shoot.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra