Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

I shot these today it was a little windy and I shot these targets standing off a shooting stick.

It's a lowly Remington Wingmaster Magnum. Pretty light weigh gun even an old wAsh women should be able to tote one of these...

It's a left hand gun with a 26" Remchoke barrel with a Patternmaster Code Black Goose tube about a .710 constriction....3" Winchester Longbeard 1&3/4 oz of #4 shot $19 for 10 shells....laser range 40, 30 and 20 yards...(left to right)...I know it's probably not enough pellets to suit you fAiry dust boys but plenty good enough to kill a bird as dumb as a turkey....and I shouldn't be picking a lot of dust sized pellets out of my meat.

Is that not enough pellets to satisfy your desires ?