long range....water will only allow the wood to get to 212-215 degrees. Wood burns at 440 degrees. It bends best if the wood is warmed above 250 degrees. Or so my experience has taught me in the past 30 years of bending gunstocks. I use Raw Linseed Oil on a rag which is wrapped around the wrist of the gunstock. I have heard others using other vegetable/seed oil products. Each is trial and error. The key is to get the wood warm enough to move easily and without breaking.

Yes, I started bending gunstock using water. If you are not paying attention, the water evaporates and the gunstock is damaged by heat charring....don't ask me how I know this.

SKB is correct in the information he has relayed. By taking your time and paying attention to the wood....much may be accomplished. I too guarantee my services in this area. Stand behind what you do....no matter what. Steve got the first nod. Believe him. He is good at what he does.

Dennis Earl Smith/Benefactor Life NRA, ACGG Professional member