In many ways (most, probably), society has adopted a "Throw Away" mentality. There is something hardwired into my being that does not allow me to go there. I have gotten a little better about disassembling anything that has screws or bolts on it, salvaging electrical cords, etc... (you've got the picture), but If it is gun related it gets kept. Cigar boxes have given way to plastic coffee cans and ziploc bags, but the concept is still there.

I live with a "Throw Away" person. She read in a magazine once that folks need to downsize and de-clutter. I said "Go for it. Don't touch my stuff". She threw away a Lexus key and remoter the other day because she thought the handful of receipts and gum wrappers in the bottom of her purse was trash......

$350 later, a day trip to San Antonio and a new set of all other keys, and she's rethinking that attitude...

I keep it all. Most of my space in this world is filled with stuff I'm keeping for "someday". That's fine. I hope when I'm gone, the person who gets all of it can differentiate between good junk and bad junk and then keep it all.
