I'd like to offer my own opinion. Before getting my 12 & 20 BSS-SL's that have 26" barrels choked ic/mod, I bought my first sxs BSS boxlock sporter that was 28' with mod/full chokes. I thought it was a bit tight, but as I continued to shoot sporting clay's with it, I began to see the value in it's choking. Targets that were 30+ yards were no longer "questionably" hit, and I could actually see exactly where the targets were hit making me a somewhat better shooter.
I never considered it a skeet gun, and used it in an appropriated situation. It gave me confidence for Pheasants and suitable prairie game. Grouse and Woodcock get the ic/mod and skt/ic choked guns instead, along with the occasional round of skeet.
I think that you have a great gun for Pheasants and the prairie birds. I'll bet you'll find it perfect for longish SC courses.
Hope this helps,