I knew a gentleman some years ago who had a muzzle-loading rifle he had browned the barrel on. It had about as nice a job as I have seen & I saw quite a few at that point. I of course only had his word for it, but he said he hung it in his basement & when he would mow his yard or other yard work
& would get good & sweaty he would come in the basement & rub his hands up & down the barrel. When it got a good layer of rust he would card it off. When he got it to the color he wanted & had it evened out, he neutralized it & oiled it. Could not have asked for a better-looking brown.

I had an old set of junk twist barrels, don't recall the brand name on them, but browned them with the Laurel Mountain brown. When I got the desired depth of brown built up, I gave them one cycle through the boiling water tank.
I showeed them to a good number of reople & everyone of them said I could have passed them off as an original blue job that had "Muddied" over the years.

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra