The Democrats have dumped their older base of working class Americans. They now want unlimited, borderless illegal aliens allowed to enter the country. They want that vote and the vote of anyone else whose vote thy can buy with various social programs. Anyone who they can convince are being taken advantage of is their new base. As a result, they are morphing from liberal to socialist to Marxist and Communist. Unfortunately for them their former base is NOT socialist/Marxist and is going Republican. President Trump took advantage of that and won normally Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and others. The Democrats over several election periods have been losing more and more governorships, state houses, etc. The only way they can pass their disgusting agenda is through the courts. The Supreme Court is the final court. The last two court appointments replaced a conservative with conservative, and a moderate with a conservative. Of the 4 liberals left, one is extremely old and infirm, the other is a diabetic. The Dems are panicked that they could be replaced with conservatives. As a result they will say ANYTHING, do ANYTHING to get rid of Trump and any conservative justice. Things will get even more frantic when they lose more Senate seats this time and fail to take the House. They were counting on it as the Party in power usually loses seats in a non-presidential election year. They continue to believe their own polls even remembering how wrong the polls were last time. We have already seen an attempted assassination on Republican members of congress at a baseball game. Other Democrats have been calling for verbal and physical attacks on Congressional conservatives. Hillary and Waters have dome this. The Dem Mob will get more and more demented. When the Republicans keep power this election, any semblance of sanity on the Left's Mob will be gone. They are already attacking people with "Make America Great Again" hats and burning vehicles with pro Trump signs. The last time it was this bad was 50 years ago and both Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed.

What the Dems have accomplished has been to DISGUST both reasonable Democrats and all Republicans. They forgot that many women have sons who they do not want attacked with lies by fanatic leftist women in the future.

I look forward to relaxing in my easy chair on election night, eating popcorn and chocolate chips while watching CNN or MSNBC cry over the Republicans holding on to power. Even now, they are blaming the Supreme Court, the Republicans and the evil US Constitution.