Gee, when you are as bad a shot as me then that could be a lot of people.
I suppose one person would be my brother. Back in the 70's we did a lot of wild quail hunting. It was not impossible to find a dozen or more coveys a day. He always used a L.C. Smith field grade with a single trigger and 26" barrels that he paid $165 for at a local gunshop. He was death on a covey getting off the ground.
Another was a young guy that would always come to our gun club when we would shoot ZZ Birds. Now there were a lot of big time pigeon shooters that would show up and bring some very nice guns. I remember Purdey pigeon guns, Woodward's and Watson Brothers, Boss as well a fine assortment of over and unders.
I personally shot a SC3 Perazzi and a 32" Model 21. I would spend hours deciding what shells to use and how I would place them in my barrels to optimize the second shot.
This young boy would show up almost every shoot with a Beretta 391 auto and cheap Wall Mart shells and whip all us old guys every time.

Mike Proctor