Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
Craig, I have to take issue with your claim that W contributed something to fiscal responsibility. He invaded Iraq. He fought a pointless war , killed thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and put the cost on the national credit card. If that constitutes the financial standards of conservatism, please explain it to me.

Bill, when did I mention he contributed to fiscal responsibility? What I mentioned, in response to your claims, was that President Bush took a big hit for team America by setting up the incoming administration with resources to react to a huge problem. Coming around in a large and convoluted circle, my question remains, what does the US have to show for the purchasing power of that near trillion and all the others that followed?

By the way, did President Bush ever get a Nobel Peace Prize? Apparently, those are only given out to brutal warriors that're protected from being held to account? Hey, did you ever catch that home movie of gaddafi getting dragged through streets and beaten to death by the unruly mob? A foreign policy, thanks hill, of fiscal responsibility and long term stability, eh?