Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
If the FBI investigation can't show Ford's accusations are true,then I'm perfectly satisfied to confirm BK. To attack Ford for testifying is another instance of claiming to know something that can't be known. I'm not happy with the politics of this matter, but I have to say they're no worse than the Republican's treatment of Garland. Ford is fully convinced of what she says, Kavanaugh is fully convinced of what he says. One clear possibility, if what Ford says is true, is that Kavanaugh was drunk out of his mind and thus has no recollection of what he did. But if he did it, he deserves to pay a serious penalty.

It is just as possible that Ford was so drunk that she was really molested by rocky mtn bill, and he was also blind drunk, and neither of them remember. By his standards, this is just as plausible. No witnesses? Who Cares? People who were named as being present issue denials, under penalty of law? Who cares? Baseless charges warrant costly investigations and delays in Billy's warped world view. I wonder how he, or his family would like this type of smear directed toward them after 35 years? He must be very drunk right now to even post his lies like the one I responded to earlier.

I wonder why Billy refused to acknowledge those lies and hypocrisy? He read what I said. His response was made to my post. We can all see that it says, "RE: keith" at the top of his reply. Once again, we see Billy running away from his lies. What a stand-up guy!

Billy has to be inebriated, or flat out lying again, to also attempt to say that what is happening to Kavanaugh is "no worse than the Republican's treatment of Garland."

I'd like Billy to show us where any Republican accused Garland of extreme "black-out drinking" alcohol abuse, and being a sexual predator who set up and participated in serial gang rapes, and sexual abuse of multiple women.

You said it Billy. Now show us your proof, you wormy little fraud.

I already pointed out to Billy that it was none other than Joe Biden, when Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1992, who said that a lame duck president should not get to nominate or confirm a Supreme Court pick. And Harry Reid thought that the time had come that the Democrats would never lose power, so he instituted the nuclear option to give confirmation power to a simple Senate majority.

Isn't it like a known and proven liar like Billy to wish the rules his Liberal Left Democrat Party put in place didn't apply to them?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.