Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
A nominee for the SC has no immunity from investigation and should welcome the chance to prove the accusations false. Kavanaugh's right to privacy is subordinate to the country's right to know that he is fit for a lifetime appointment. Ford is clearly not politically motivated. That she's been used is clear but doesn't make her a liar.

He was investigated by the FBI, 6 times over the span of his career. Nothing even remotely related to this woman's story was found, and still would not be.

And she lied, gladly. This woman is a pink-vagina-hat wearing liberal far left loon, well-schooled in that movement, who will say or do anything to defeat Trump's agenda, but more so to protect the ability of misguided young women to have their unborn/unwanted babies killed in the womb and their body parts sold under the guise of "a woman's right to choose". This isn't difficult in the least to see, afaic.

Last edited by John Roberts; 09/28/18 10:38 AM.

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