I purchased a 20 Gauge Ideal grade LC for very cheaply. The barrel has some issues (reclaimable)as well as the stock but the metal was in excellent, zero pit condition. I bought it to learn the LC language and to attempt my first self restoration.

Now for the stock problems (de-oiling post is below). Previous owner obviously never got advise from here because I do not think anyone on this forum would have advised him to pour hot lead in holes in the butt of the stock. That is exactly what it looks like he did and as a result the rear of the stock has a nasty split in it. Now there is lead coming out the rear of the gun whereas I only want lead coming out the front.

My thoughts are to chuck this up in my mill and work out the internal area of the stock leaving maybe a shell of about 3/16" to a 1/4". With the reduced wood thickness it should make the shell a little easier to draw and glue the crack back together and then basically filling the core of the stock with acra-glass or Devcon.

Any thoughts or suggestions. I know it is a lot of work but it is a learning process coupled with a labor of love. The fun I am having has already been worth the little money I paid

Thanks all.