Many thanks to all those who have gone before me.

The patient is a straight stock off a 20 Ga Ideal grade LC Smith. The stock will either be a boom or bust based on some issues I will post about in a separate post. For this post I wanted to stay with just the de-oiling and to share my first round progress.

The stock head was not that oiled up and in pretty good condition with only one crack on the interior of the stock and it looks easily repairable along with the bedding to come later.

First was stripping off old finish and then soaking in acetone for about an hour. This is a different stock but the process was the same.

I applied whiting paste and then into the hot box. I set the box on top of the trailer so it would get direct sunlight. The stock sat in the box along with a couple other stocks for 3 days.

Pulled the stock out, brushed and rinsed off whiting and this how far I have progressed. Not a bunch of darkening of the whiting but there was some. I am going to do it again and leave it for two weeks and then see what I get.


Anyone seeing any kinks in my process? Not sure exactly how far to go but I think the two week sit should tell if I am done or needing more.